Carte de sejour validity related query


I have just joined this community in order to find an appropriate answer to my question, which is:

I have a long stay French work visa which is going to expire in October 2023 (I am an Indian citizen). I left France in May 2020 and came to the UK to join my spouse. I have not visited France since. I wanted to know if I can travel to France with my current visa before it expires. Or do I need to apply for a tourist visa again?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Hello Manish and welcome to the forum…

When was your French Work Visa issued ???
and did you ever actually Work in France using that Visa ???

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Hi Stella,

It was issued in Oct 2019 and yes I worked in France for ~1.5 years. The first visa was for one year which was a stamp on my passport and then I extended it in October 2019 for another 4 years. I left France to join my spouse (also Indian) in the UK in May 2020.

I hope this helps.

Any help is much appreciated.


There’s an online test here which suggests you don’t need one if you’ve already got a long term visa. But I think I’d check with the French Embassy in London if I were you. Their phone number and email address is listed here

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Di you validate this visa while you were in France? If so most likely ok as they are multi-entry visas, but check as Garteth says.