Can anyone tell me what CAS means and therefore also how it compares to HORS CAS?

CAS = Contrat d’Accùs aux Soins
As I understand it, it’s a contract that practitioners either subscribe to or don’t, which in effect means they agree to cap their fees at a certain level. If they are hors CAS they haven’t signed it so they are potentially more expensive.

Thanks for that. Do you happen to know what it means if the doctor/surgeon is shown as ‘ConventionĂ©e Secteur 2’ ?


Hi Gillian
 reimbursement depends on what Secteur

GĂ©nĂ©raliste secteur 2; :charges over 30 euro: re-imbursed 15,10 €

SpĂ©cialiste secteur 1: charges 30,00 €: re-imbursed 20,00 €

This site gives lots of info.

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