Court decision - viewing document

We were hit by an uninsured driver earlier this year and the other driver was summoned to appear in Court on 2nd December 2021. Is there anyway we can view the final Court decision?


If you google French court decisions you will get the information.

Merry Christmas.

The decision may not have been written out yet, unless most of it was prepared in advance. The written decision often takes time to produce.

Thank you for your reply. I have tried this and can’t find anything to help. Will keep searching though, and Happy New Year to you too.

Thank you for your reply. Do you know how long it normally takes for the decision to be written? I know there is a right of appeal, for which the timeline has now passed.

Unfortunately, it would depend on whether the person was a no-show, whether they showed up and pleaded some extenuating circumstances requiring deliberation by the court, or some other procedural intervention that would push the written decision down the line.

How do you know the deadline for appeal has passed if you don’t have access to the decision, or the publication in the court register that a decision was made ?

From this page:
Accueil - Démarches - Ministère de l'Intérieur.

it appears that you would have to fill in a form and request a copy of the decision from the court. The choice of form to use is dependent on the type of judgment copy you are trying to obtain.

Thank you for your help. I was informed by our Insurance Company that the right of appeal is 10 days, so assumed if appearance was on 2nd December … I hadn’t even considered that they might be a “no show”. I have no knowledge of French legal process so have no idea what type of judgement I am trying to obtain, and had hoped that my Insurance Company would have been more proactive or helpful, but am still waiting in limbo, which is why I am trying to research this by myself. Any help or suggestions are gratefully received.

This explains how to find a decision if you know the court…

Thank you Jane. Will have a look and see what I can find.