I’m British with a 10 year Carte de Séjour. My partner is German with a German passport, therefore she’s an EU member.
Our 3 year old has a British passport. He has the right to have a German passport but we haven’t got one for him yet.
Considering he has a British passport, but he does have a German mum, does he still need a DCEM document?
Thank you.
Depends if you plan to cross borders and leave the Schengen area - no scratch that! You said he has British passport so can leave with that. But will need one to come back into France easily.
Welcome @biarritz , I don’t know but I would have thought so and it might rest on your own relationship with his Mother. You say ‘partner’ so not married, but are you Pacs’d?
If it was me I would simply get the German passport, but is there some reason why not?
Best of luck anyway.
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Hello @biarritz and welcome to the forum.
Have you looked at the official website:
Thank you all for your help. I’ll let you know how I get on.
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