Donald Sutherland R.I.P

One of a kind, a master at his craft. RIP.


Don’t Look Now was a classic.

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MASH - classic film and Kelly’s Heroes. I was watching Space Cowboys on sunday night,he was getting on in that but still good.*

A good and proper actor! One of the best.

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The eagle has landed - just looked, and wow ‘76😳 how time flies! Great actor.

Very sad. A man who would despise the politics of today.

“Documents declassified in 2017 show that Sutherland was on the National Security Agency watchlist between 1971 and 1973 at the request of the Central Intelligence Agency because of his anti-war activities.”

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Thinking about it, he made a lot of films over the years. Two other good ones were The Eagle has Landed and Bear Island.

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Every now and then I’m genuinely saddened by a celebrity death. This is one of those times. RIP Oddball.

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Brilliant! Also Invasion of the Body Snatchers. RIP Mr Sutherland.

Was trying to remember the film about a child in Venice that he was in, that terrified me. I think he was in it opposite Vanessa Redgrave in her prime.

Just come across it - it was “Don’t Look Now”. Venice was the perfect setting.

“Woof woof! That’s my other dog impression.”

“Hero? To a New Yorker like you, a Hero is some kind of weird sandwich

In the agnĂšs b DVD collection. It was Julie Christie

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I played a horrible practical joke on my aunt and uncle when I was an undergraduate - we had just watched DLN in their nice old meandering house, and shortly afterwards as we were all going off to bed, and I had said good night etc I noticed my little cousin’s red duffle coat so eureka, I put it on with the hood up and knelt with my knees on a pair of shoes, in the dark at the top of the stairs, with a carving knife in my hand. They came up a few minutes after that, it was very effective. My poor aunt mentioned it to me again a couple of weeks ago (over 40 years later).


You little horror, Vero ! :slight_smile:

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