We are now approaching renewal of our cartes de séjour for the first time. Not a problem, we hope.
If we go to the UK (where we are nationals) to visit family, the EES system seems to be not a problem. But if we want to go elsewhere in the EU, where we have to fit in with the 90-day rule, do we need to fill in the EES form or can we just use our passports and CdSs? If we can enter without an EES, then the 90-day period will not be registered on the EU supercomputer, which rather defeats the whole object of the scheme… Of course, the whole system is a bit crazy because we can drive where we like without showing any documents in the EU, but if we take the plane? I guess the originators of this scheme haven’t worked out all the glitches yet, but does anyone have any ideas? Theoretical at present but you never know.
If flying within the EU, you need photo ID to check in and board, but there is no passport control/immigration check. I wouldn’t worry about it.
Although it will help identify overstayers I think it is more about stronger security. Stopping terrorists and other undesirables entering the EU on forged passports etc. If you have a CdS then your fingerprints are already on file, you don’t need to provide them again.
surely if one of us CdSWA is doing a lot of travelling in various EU countries… we have enough gumption to keep track of where and when… travel tickets, peage tickets etc etc supermarket receipts… whatever… so if ever investigated… one gives a cheerful smile and hands over the “proof” of how many days here and there…
Thanks for the replies. I m not going to pretend that there aren’t things to worry about but this is not one of them! It seems that, in reality, you can spend more than 90 days (per 180) in other EU countries without any concern as there is no easy way for ‘them’ to check where you are. So this in practice means that the only (non-emotional) reason for applying for citizenship is that you can then vote. And, I suppose, use FranceConnect!
I’m a bit puzzled about the apparent link between FranceConnect and citizenship. I’ve used it quite a bit and I’m not a citizen… Perhaps I’ve misunderstood (wouldn’t be the first time)
I am sorry. You don’t need to be French citizen to use FranceConnect. But you do have to have had a CdS for more than five years (which you may well have had). In my case I will have to wait for another four years. I have tried to get into FranceConnect on a number of occasions but no joy, always the need for ID which I don’t have. If anyone knows a way round this, please let me know.
Is this the system that I use to get into ANTS? I use my Ameli login and I definitely haven’t been here 5 years.
Perhaps you are thinking about Identité Numérique, which you need to register for in order to use FranceConnect+ ( Coomect + being the more “secure” version).
How do I get an Identité Numérique without (1) French citizenship, (2) a French Passport or (3) a CdS more than five years old? Any clues would be helpful and save me a lot of time-wasting hopping backwards and forwards to and from my PC and my mobile.
"Pour rappel, les conditions d’accès à FranceConnect+ via L’Identité Numérique La Poste :
Avoir plus de 18 ans
Être en possession d’une pièce d’identité française ou d’un titre de séjour valide supérieur à cinq ans
Avoir un smartphone pour télécharger l’application"
Je n’en ai pas!
That would make sense as, in common with @JohnH I used my Ameli logon for ANTS ( and my Impots login for something else) via FranceConnect. I’m not really sure what extra Identité Numérique would enable me to do…
I have been to my Ameli logon and my impots login. Neither has any way of getting to France Connect. If I go to the FranceConnect login site, I can log in to both of the above but I can do that anyway and it is the same procedure. I still would be grateful if anyone can get round the French Government restriction of access to France Connect. Thanks for reading all this stuff!
I wonder if there is some confusion here.
I’m sure I have used Franceconnect by giving them my Ameli/cpam number
and no… it was nothing to do with Identite Numerique… (and no, I don’t have a smart phone)
I went to see France Services as I couldn’t access France Connect, despite trying via Impôts, La Poste etc.
Two ‘findings’ emerged. One was that I personally am unable to access France Connect as I’m not in the French state medical system (CPAM etc), since I’m insured privately. That means I don’t have a social security number which - apparently (so the France Service found out) effectively bars me from access, even if I try via the Impôts site, using my tax identifier number.
The second finding that emerged from France Service is that access via France Connect is not necessary…They were insistent that bar possibly access to certain sections of a tiny handful of sites, there is ALWAYS direct (non France Connect) access to all government sites, on the reasonable basis that not everyone can, or even wants to access such sites via France Connect. The latter is merely an alternative, convenient (for some) gateway.
I haven’t been stopped from accessing any site that I’ve needed to…
Connect Plus in conjunction with IN allows you to, for instance, digitally sign official documents such as closing a business or modifying your busoness details.
Are you using the France Connect app and using your Ameli details as an identifier there?
I see - not immediately useful to me then! I can see it could be useful to others though… FranceConnect works fine when I need it but generally, once I’ve used it toget into something, I create an individual id for that particular service. The more the merrier
For me, the fewer different usernames passwords the better and that is why I liked France Connect because it was the same ID for everything.
On Connect Plus you confirm your identity by entering you secret code on the app on your phone, so there are no passwords at all. Which I feel is safer. Is it possible to hack secret codes for apps, does anybody know?
But having a choice of access methods is good.
I’m definitely a belt/braces/ piece of string/extra piece of string person. The more ways of doing something I can have, the better. Comes of my previous work I suppose - single points of failure are not a great idea