Hi all,
I know some of you have taught before / do teach. I desperately want to get a ‘proper’ job for this September as I’m barely scraping by with part time work and my private students and I doubt my tourism job will come back on line this year, if ever.
I spent a long time looking at my options last year and even considered getting my MEEF and trying to do my CAPES to become a proper teacher. I decided that this isnt’ the way I want to go (at the moment anyway - very hard work, hard to pass, you are sent where they want you to etc) and that being an enseignant contractuel would be a really good way to go as I can do it as I’ve BAC +5 equivalent so is in theory possible.
Has anyone done this? Any thoughts / advise / help you can offer would be much appreciated.
Next big question is I’ve hit my first stumbling block - according to this site (which is the best information I’ve found):
I need to apply to my rectorate which I’ve tried today to do (which I’d forgotten I’d actually started doing last year as 1/2 my dossier is complete!) which is on this site here:
I remember now it was the time issue to get my degrees looked at and given an ‘eqivilance’ - they check your uni is kosher / hours of course etc so you can prove what you have done. this is what it says on the rectorate site:
#### Equivalence
Si vos diplômes n’ont pas été obtenus en France vous devez contacter le CIEP pour demander une équivalence :
Département de reconnaissance des diplômes - Centre ENIC-NARIC France
Fine I thought and off I went to pay my €70 and try to get that sorted. Until I read step 1:
Pour obtenir une attestation, le diplôme étranger doit être reconnu par les autorités compétentes du pays où il a été délivré et sanctionner une formation académique et/ou professionnelle.
Le centre ENIC-NARIC France ne peut en aucun cas traiter les demandes de reconnaissance de diplômes permettant l’exercice d’une profession médicale, même si son titulaire ne souhaite pas l’exercer et prévoit uniquement une poursuite d’études dans un nouveau domaine. Il est inutile de contacter le centre ENIC-NARIC France dans ce cas.
What am I supposed to do? The rectorate needs to see you have a minimum of BAC+3 but my degrees are in nursing and then midwifery so ‘profession médicale’.
Does anyone know of any other places or where I could go? It isn’t like it is a certificate saying that you can practice, just that you have those studies behind me. What, I wonder, do other medical people do if they have come here to study advanced molecular biology or something and the uni (as they do) ask for this, there must be somewhere I can get some sort of certificate?
Do I give up on trying to get into the public system and just go for the private where it seems you can directly contact each school you are interested in?
any other ideas? I was all excited this morning and then feel like I’ve failed at the first hurdle!