Filtering now legal for motorbikes

At last - we moto riders are now allowed to filter through slow traffic (subject to conditions) on autoroutes and expressways. The rules seem very sensible to me, and will help avoid the free-for-all that is often seen in other countries.


Useful - but only on autoroutes and dual carriageways where the normal speed limit is 70kph - 130kph though - no filtering past a queue of traffic on a normal single-lane-each way road as you can do in the UK…

But only at the speed limit! :imp:

I thought that after a pilot they had just banned it? Given that Connexion reported it was now legal, I could still be right :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


At the point the pilot came to an end there was no sitting government so no decision was announced and it was in limbo for a while. Filtering is now allowed. This is where I heard it.

Probably a safer source than the Connexion.

That’s no consolation to my poor wing mirrors (which these days are brim full of high tech).

Whilst this filtering is only legal on certain roadways (where there is the space) and, only then, when heavy traffic is clogging the lanes and dropping to 50kph

I’m pleased to note they clearly state the (bikers’) max speed is 50kph if the clogged traffic lanes are still gently moving and max 30kph if the traffic is at a standstill… and the bikes must get back in-lane the moment the traffic eases.

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Indeed - all very sensible. And only between the two leftmost lanes.

Edited to correct error kindly pointed out by @Stella

That feels wrong to me and it should be between the outermost two lanes. There’s a lot more lane changing between 1 & 2, especially around junctions so it feels like it would be a lot more hazardous.

It’s actually between the lanes “a gauche”…

extract from Gouv France:

“Lane-splitting involves driving two or three motorized wheels between the leftmost lanes of a roadway, when the lines of other vehicles are stationary or traveling at very low speed. Between 2016 and the beginning of January 2025, this practice was authorized on an experimental basis in a few territories. Since January 11, 2025, lane-splitting can be practiced everywhere in France.”

the fact that this is now Law means that driving schools can actually teach the "would be " bikers how to do it properly :wink:


Thanks for the correction, @Stella.
I’ll amend the relevant post.

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Are you saying all those high speed aggressive lunatics around the Paris autoroutes were breaking the law? I’m careful to leave space but I dread to think how many accidents happen.