Flood zones / geo risks

Morning all

Well still house searching , not found one property yet that does not have problems lol be it electrics or whatever.

Anyway going to view a property thats on a river bank. Awaiting DPE before visit if its been done yet.
The house on google earth does seem fairly high above the river but hard to tell as can only see above or from road side no view…

Anyway i have gone on the french georisques site but honestly i just can not seem to find relevant info.

I just keep getting pages of what its used for etc. i did seem to manage at one point to find inundation but all it gave was height of river that day

Obviously i am looking to see previous 5 year heights at least.

Anyone tell me how to access this or other sites that give info .
Is the owner obliged to declare if they have had previous flooding , submitted claims ?
Where would i find locally ie Mairie office if a catastrophe for flooding in area ever been declared.
Thank you in advance

I got all this and other risks when I bought my house last year, it was presented in a very large tome of paperwork including graphs,maps,conclusions etc and some of it had been furnished by the local mairie as well as professional bodies. I don’t see why you cannot ask at the mairie where you wish to buy, they are a government office and should inform inhabitants of all risks. We just had a warning the week before last about phones going off because the dam higher up was being opened to let the water level down so they do know all the risks. My son asked his neighbours when he bought his house as he has a small river behind the garden and the neighbours have been there 30+ years and only once did the river breach the bank but all the houses are built higher up anyway so no problems. So, if you are really interested, knock on the neighbour’s door and ask, don’t ask-don’t get basically.

Hi shiba

Thank you for your time replying. Good idea to ask the neighbours. When i have had dpe for other properties its had re earthquakes etc not much on flooding but then others not been so close to river.

They have to list evrything these days and earth tremors was also in my “tome” along with the aforesaid maps and risks. I live on the flood plain of Roussillon but many expensive measures have been taken to prevent flooding over the past several years but unfortunately if him upstairs decrees you must suffer, you can’t do much about it. My bugbear actually is the testing of the Airbus Beluga usually every week but this week three days on the trot.Flipping great thing less than 1000ft over my roof and I can see the pilots. I don’t understand how they are allowed to fly so low and do manoevers over a built up area and the city nearby to be honest and yesterday, it sounded like they were changing gear and it screamed from the engines. You don’t get that in Notaires paperwork. :rage:

Oh gosh that doesnt sound good. Yes you are right , up to us to do our homework thank you