Hello there,
I’ve got a unique problem to hand (first time for me, anyway), which is: after cleaning a house after guests departed, I discovered they hadn’t read the directions on how to sort the garbage. There were five stinky bags of garbage and I noticed some plastic and so forth, mixed in with other stuff in each bag. So, I sorted through each of the bags (with a bandana over my mouth and nose, sprinkled with lavender oil!), and reduced the number of bags to go to the dechetterie from the original five, to a half-bag. Yay for me.
Mixed in with the stuff I sorted out that needs to be recycled, was what turns out to be approx 15 kgs of food waste. It was a lot of food! After swearing a little bit, as anyone might in this circumstance, I’ve bagged it up, and now I wonder if I could get advice on what to do with it.
I have some ideas, but maybe someone could tell me, kindly, which might be best?
Firstly, I’ll mention that I just picked up some lovely compost from the community program that gives it out twice a year. It’s from Calitom, who are the local dechetterie. So, with that in mind, I wonder if an option might be to drop it off at the dechetterie for the compost program, perhaps? I’ve not noticed a place to drop off stuff like this, but with the mix of dairy and meat refuse it’s probably not acceptable… Has anyone seen something like this, at their dechetterie??
I’m tempted to just risk having vermin visit and just put this into my own compost pile, mixed well with the aged compost and some straw and soil, cover it up and let it rot.
Or, maybe I have to bite the bullet, re-don the bandana neckerchief (sprinkle it with more lavender), and sort out the dairy/meat from the other? Then I suppose I can compost? But then what to do with the dairy/meat garbage?
Any thoughts, please?