Fourth Jab anyone? Be prepared for the next Wave

I had my fourth Pfizer recently although officially in France it was my first booster.
(First two in UK but not able to validate in France,so a 3rd here in October,caught Covid in January ,then had to wait 3 months for the next)
I was surprised to have a much stronger strong reaction to it this time,in fact it was similar to being ill with Covid 39°temp freezing cold, muscle and head aches lasting nearly two days.
Everyone else I know who have had their 4th vaccination havehardly noticed it so I wonder why my immune system is acting so strongly ?

So do a number people and the companies that make the jabs.

In your position I would wait until I had conquered my periodontal problems. You don’t want your immune system distracted by anything right now when it has a critical job to do healing your gums.

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Looking at it the other way… when I had no reaction to my Jab, but was hearing of folk who did… I was left wondering if I’d been jabbed with a fake vaccine… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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My 3rd jab was Moderna and there was definitely some ill effects (though administered by pharmacist who may be a bit cack handed - they certainly were on an earlier test). Although we keep being told Moderna is the same as Pfizer, which my first two had been, this was definitely different and for now I would not want Moderna again (and won’t do at same pharmacy either).

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IIRC there was some information which suggested that the quantities between 2nd and 3rd jabs were different…
I certainly remember the effects after #3 were different (more severe) than #2 (both Pfizer). Maybe there was something in that - more than just anecdotal :thinking:
It wasn’t that terrible that I felt really bad, just recall that I didn’t need paracetamol after the others, just the #3 and the effects quickly passed. Just put it down to me being a wimp :grin:
I was going through other medical procedures at the time so perhaps that contributed - who knows.

If you had Moderna as a booster it was half dose.

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they were all Pfizer in my case so perhaps psychosomatic :crazy_face:

My first 3 were Moderna - 2 wholes and a half. My 4th was Pfizer but forgot to ask if it was full dose or not. 3 of the 4 were done by the pharmacist. I have not noticed much difference between them. I reacted to first dose, but quite short lived so really nothing to complain about.

I have not caught Covid. Just about everybody else I know has.

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neither me nor Vanessa have either… masks masks masks…
I’ve had to have a number of PCR tests in the intervening period, days in advance of hospitalisations and all have been negatif which has been reassuring.

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Nor have I, negative snot tests always and negative bloods.

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OH and I had our 4th Jabs yesterday morning…
Delightful experience which had us discussing classic cars with the Pharmacist and his wife (the Doctor).
She dealt with my needle-phobia with great gentleness and, yes, I did feel a little pain as the needle went in… and had my eyes tight shut until she was quietly telling me it was all over. phew.

As we got ready to leave, the Pharmacist handed us our new Documents, showing 4/4 jabs etc.
and Ameli has informed me this morning… there is a “important document” in my on-line Box… which turns out to be the same as we already have so no need to print that one out.
(save the trees)

Well, we both had a busy day after that… and were congratulating ourselves on no side-effects (too soon as it turns out).
OH started to have joint pains around 10pm and had a disturbed night (which meant I did too…)
He’s now had breakfast (always a good sign) and taken a paracetamol which should sort him out.
My arm aches a bit, in the jabbed area… but nothing more than if I’ve bumped against something in my usual clumsy habit… so that’s fair enough.

I know many folk are not bothering with the 4th.
We felt it worth getting as much cover as we could… but that’s just our personal choice.

cheers everyone.

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having frequent blood tests (including shunts being inserted in the bloc) and equally needle-phobic I used to tense up considerably in advance of the pique…
Now, I just relax. I know it’s coming (and can do nothing to prevent it) so am frequently surprised at how painless the whole affair is :syringe:


I was totally needle phobic….in a big way. Result of long childhood illnesses with a nurse turning up at the house every day?/week? for a year and holding me down to inject me, while I screamed and my sisters burst into tears. Then as an adult started again to have to have regular injections, blood tests etc etc, and not really appropriate for a 45 year old to scream :joy: .

The turning point was tapping my toes while this was going on, which somehow totally distracted my brain. It’s a great technique. Now I inject myself twice a week with no problems at all.


I know it’s coming… I just don’t want to see it…
With blood tests, I often scrutinize the ceiling in the other direction to the needle. It’s actually amazing what one can see on a ceiling, if one concentrates… :+1: :wink:

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didn’t that use to be a standard joke during amorous interventions? “Darling, the ceiling needs painting…”
Not that I ever experienced it myself, of course… :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :grin:


I have to see what is going on I used to be needles phobic but time has improved it

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That reminds me…
Friends have a house near Carcassonne with a mirrored-ceiling in the bedroom… they tell me it was like that when they bought the property… and they can’t be bothered to have it removed… (but they’re not fooling me … :wink: :rofl: :rofl: )


It’s not? :thinking: :flushed:


I’ve always had to watch injections and other surgical procedures - fascinating to see what happens with a vasectomy. But the last time I had my covid vaccine I was actually quite nervous and anticipating the worst, even though it was fine just like all the other times.

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