Pulling a wide eyed Shirley Temple face and with a few squealy noises thrown in works wonders:
"Madam, I'm calling from the technical department and you have a problem." "Oh weeeally??? How dreadful! Dearie me, what DO I do? (little squeal)"
"I'll lead you through the steps and show you the error report."
"Ooooh that's SOOOO kind of you. But I don't have a computer."
"Oh my God", bang of receiver.
Seriously, don't bug me when I'm working. On my non-existent computer.
Thanks Brian, it looks like it will do what I need and for a reasonable price although I am having trouble logging in to it at the moment, there is a dual login process and despite my account subscription being setup, I can't get back it. Going to try another browser, maybe that's all it is!
Raymond, I'll send you a friend request to be able to send private messages & see if there's anything sensible available for you. Essentially, if you're in a remote rural location, there probably isn't very much currently available, but technology is getting better all the time, so you shouldn't give up hope just yet.
Most people would think that 1.3 gigabits/second for only about € 40 monthly is a bargain. (I get 0.2 gigabits/sec for what will cost me €40 month when the initialpromotion comes to an end. Most ADSL is a little cheaper, but gives 0.005 to 0.02 gb/sec.) In fact, I'm not sure that you'll actually be getting anything like that, but that's a different issue. If you already have this kind of speed, what the heck are you doing even thinking about 3G/4G?
Perhaps you could tell us what sort of service you're actually looking to get, but forgetting about your end of it (inside your place), as that can readily be sorted once the service you want is clear.
Is it that the phone service available with Kiwi is the problem? Have you taken it up with them &, if so, what do they say? Please let us know.
I want to get away from conventional internet access, using e-tera kiwi at the moment but max speed is 1.3gb and it costs €40 odd a month. My phone line is rubbish, Orange says that there is nothing wrong with it, so I'm not going to change to livebox. Therefore, I'm looking at 3G/4G, will check possible speed as coverage of that is patchy as well!
If OK, I want to use a wifi router and not a dongle, I have a netgear extender and a netgear router and think that I can connect to a box with a simcard in it: has anyone experience of this? If so, what's the cheapest way of buying data allowance? VMT in advance
In these times of heightened security , here is a great way to increase the login security for Lastpass and your Google apps using Google Authenticator. This article is a little old , but covers the howto. I have also posted how to make Lastpass even more secure when you are out on Business or on Holidays.
I am finding the latest version of Firefox (29.0.1) far too slow. Am having to use Chrome until it gets sorted or I find which add-on is causing problems.
Privacy for anyone anywhere! So you're not getting panicked into all this XP, yep its also a bit heap is sound and smoke. But how about running this OS from your SD card, or CD, or USB stick? Its really a funny thing and quite secure because
you use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship.
All connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network.
leave no trace on the computer you are using unless you ask it explicitly
use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt your files, emails and instant messaging.
"Tails" is a Linux distribution, especially when emphasis is placed on safety on the Internet. The system is based on a hardened Debian Linux and comes with a variety of pre-installed programs.
Brian is absolutely right - It is a major breakthrough. As for the OS being a little dated, (at one month after release?), personally I intend to take Canonical's advice and wait till July to upgrade my 12.04 LTS. It wouldn't surprise me if HP weren't planning the same thing for their post-July production.
Some people, apparently including Canonical, are suggesting that it would be best to wait for July & 14.04.1 before upgrading from 12.04 LTS. See this link, which discusses how to do it if you just can't wait.