I follow Dr. Cox Richardson and repost her daily letters on my FB page, I will not be doing that here, but I am posting the latest in case you’re not familiar with her. And, in case you’re not, she is not a journalist but a historian. She writes daily on what is going on, and provides sources. I try not to read much US news anymore (and never watch it), but I do read her letters to keep up somewhat. Today’s letter really shows how crap the US media is. I actually blame them for Trump’s reelection. The letters are long, but I feel worthwhile.
I follow her vlogs too. Smart woman. Lives in Maine and married to a lobsterman
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Very interesting, added a lot to my understanding of the military plane stand off. Tks.
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You’re welcome. Yeah, not exactly the story that we heard from most of the “news” organizations. That’s why I read her letters daily.
Her letter about the recent air crash really shows Trump for what he is.
A lying, bullying, braggart and a very dangerous person. May the non-existent deities help us.
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Agree on all counts.