Help black cats improve their luck

Last year Chats du Quercy launched an annual Black Cat weekend to encourage more people to adopt abandoned black cats and kittens. This year it will be on 26th and 27th October.
The charity aims to raise awareness of the plight of black cats which tend to lose out on homes to more colourful cat varieties. Chats du Quercy currently has 5 black cats in its care and says that homes are far less easy to find for black cats than other felines.
“Some People are more taken with tortoiseshells, tabbies and other colours – with some still superstitious about black cats, but in many countries, black cats are seen as lucky!” said Lynn Stone, Charity president and Rescue Centre Manager. “Although it’s obviously lovely to see other cats finding their forever homes, it’s sad to see any cat left waiting. Black cats make up about 25 per cent of abandoned cats and each one waits longer to be rehomed than the average cat.”
To raise awareness, the charity is encouraging people to send them pictures and stories of their own black cats to eventually create a book that will be on sale in aid of Chats du Quercy.
Supporters are also being encouraged to share photos of themselves transformed into black cats on Chats du Quercy Facebook page.

This is a call to get creative by dressing up, using face paints or wearing a black cat mask! To find out more, to see the cats and kittens needing homes, contact the charity on 05 63 94 73 97 or through their website

I guessed something like that happened jane, I on the otherhand have no excuse, just terrible at typing!!

Sorry just reading this I realised Daisy helped me a bit hence the 8999etc.

Oh & he's not dead on the photo juste fast asleep

What a gorgeous chaps Jane, black cats are so elegant with their silky fur!

You must miss him terribly still.

When my gorgeous Nelly died 4 years ago I went to the SPA not to replace her but to have another furry friend at home. I saw Spider & fell totally in love with him, he'd been found in the street aged89999999999995 2 months. We'd forgotten our " justification de domicile" so went back home. Back to the SPA asked for "Ewok" (his name then) the staff were so pleased that someone actually wanted a black cat that was totally wild. He spent a week behind the sofa but gradually over time became a real softy. Unfortunately a couple of months after moving to here 2 years ago he got run over fighting with the neighbour's cat. It's one way to make friends. Here he is, not long in our life but will never forget him.

Good luck! I hope all 5 of them find good homes!

I’ve been living with cats all my life, but unfortunately have never been owned by a black one. I always wanted a black cat, but it just never found its way to us.
We never ever chose a cat - we always ended up getting chosen by them. Maybe, with a little luck, one day a little black number will arrive at our doorstep. Right now we have no more capacity since we got 4 rescued cats already.