Thanks Brian, I was only thinking of you today and hoping you were still as buoyant as you were last week. It’s good that you only need a milder sedative rather than the stronger morphine based medication. I agree the bruising can be really alarming and amazing how far it travels. I used Arnica cream after my knee op last year but not sure whether it worked or whether it was a natural healing but the brilliant colours gradually faded away.
I am still grappling with the last (I hope) form to be filled in, nearly there. Even had the clinic ringing this afternoon to check I had all my tests done, stopped some tablets, taken others, got all my paperwork together and that I was having a shower in Betadine scrub tonight and tomorrow morning and that I would have my breakfast before 8.00. Such a lot to deal with. The op will be a breeze after all that lot.
Keep going on the way you are going and the nights will get better as your body heals.
All the best Brian.
Despite the lack of sleep, things are going well. I’m using just one stick when I’m out and about and usually none at home. There is no hip pain at all - just the inevitable post-surgery ‘messed about’ feeling!
I really hope your recovery is fast and straightforward - please let us know.
I will Brian and thanks for your thoughts.
I am looking forward to being back home and have already got the physio and the infirmiere sorted to come in when required. I will just have to be mindful of my post op recovery and not try to do too much at once. I made a very quick recovery after my knee replacement op last year and the kine was very impressed with the movement after only a few days. I intend to work hard at it again although the other hip is nearly as bad and some days I don’t know which is worse. I am hoping that this op will relieve the pain in the other hip as it did when I had my first knee done in 2005. I thought I would need the other one done within a 12 month but lasted another 18 years. If the same applies this time, I don’t think I will be here in 2042.
Hi Brian,
I hope you are sleeping better now and are feeling on top of the world. You sounded as though you were getting on top of it, so I hope it has continued that way.
I came home on Friday leaving at 3.00pm exactly 48 hrs after the op. I think it was too soon as I was experiencing dizzy spells although my BP was good. At home I have had them again but with much nausea and finally vomiting but today, that seems much better. The walking is OK when I get going but there is little room for a good stretch before turning round and going back. Getting into bed and out again is like a tortoise on its back but I have now managed to get both legs in place on my own but with quite bit of shuffling about.
I have the kine coming tomorrow but after that I will have to go to his cabinet for physio. It’s quite a list of things but not sure what they all are, so will find out soon.
I hope to feel better soon as I am feeling pretty useless at the moment and my husband does what he can but he is no housewife or nurse. We will get through it as we always do.
Keep going as well as you have been and look forward to a pain free and useful future.
Thank you for your interest and experience.
I’m delighted to hear that you’ve had the op and it sounds as if recovery is well under way. I’m sorry to hear about the nausea - I wonder if that was a reaction to the anaesthetic?
When I first came out the walking was comparatively easy but trying to lift the foot of the operated leg off the floor was impossible. My brain would send it the instructions but the foot just stayed where it was.
I also experienced the overturned turtle inelegance when it came to getting into bed! Nine days on, that problem has reduced dramatically although my leg is still very weak - not surprising as they do fiddle about with the muscles quite a lot. With the physio, the leg is getting stronger every day.
There’s a fair amount of bruising still developing, but I was advised to use ice packs three or four times a day and they certainly do help. Rather than buying the expensive packs from the pharmacy, I have a dedicated 1kg pack of frozen peas reserved for the purpose!
I hope you’re not in too much pain. I certainly got through a fair number of doliprane in the first week but now I just take one a day if required, as the pain has reduced to a mild, dull ache.
With very best wishes for a speedy recovery,
Thanks Brian, you have given me hope, I think I am impatient and want to be doing all the little jobs that I can see are mounting up in my absence.
I stopped taking any pain killers as I wondered if that was causing the nausea and am coping with the pain when walking at the moment. I had an epidural and I wondered if the heavy hammering that took place was the reason I felt so wobbly. I told the surgeon, if we needed any demolition carried out, he would be the first one I would call as he seemed to be so good with his hammer and chisel.
Hopefully in the next month or so we will both be back to normal, without any pain of course.
That does sound likely, but not in this case, according to the surgeon, who said (and this is from memory):
“One of the advantages of the ‘minimally invasive’ approach is that the incision is nowhere near the major nerve channels, and no major muscles are cut. However, some muscles need to be pulled apart and clamped to allow access to the femoral joint. The resulting damage to the muscles and tendons is what acts as the block. Thinking ‘lift the foot’ should result in the thigh muscles (quadriceps group) contracting before the ankle flexes. If the quads don’t respond, then nothing happens…”