How can I cancel my titre de sejour and carte vitale?

I lost my titre de sejour (Brexit) and carte vitale along with my UK passport in 2023. I tried to get the French documents cancelled but was unable to find out how. Now, I realise that I should have pursued this for tax / legal reasons.

How can the carte de sejour and carte vitale be officially cancelled please? Are there web-links for this?

No idea what this might have to do with tax! but yes you should report the loss. If you log on to ameli there is a rubrique for reporting the loss or theft of a carte vitale, and they will send a new one out. It is very easy as I discovered when my wallet went awol… I imagine lost titres de séjour are easily reported online too but I could not tell you where.

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Leave France and continue on your way -
For titre sejour look under " The French authorities" and also under " Residence Card/Permit (long term)"
For Carte Vital scroll down and look under " Health care"

Another option for titre sejour is service etranger page then click on “Je déclare un changement de situation”

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The assumption behind this article (the one I linked to) from the government is that you want a replacement CdS…If you don’t, I wonder (it’s a guess) whether you simply do nothing and just let it lapse ie upon expiry of its validity…

If you are no longer resident you need to inform CPAM. I believe there is a form to complete and send to your local CPAM by registered letter. I think you may still need to declare your card lost to explain why you are unable to return it.

My son lost his basic shopping wallet in a shop recently, it could not be found. He rang CPAM immediately who cancelled his carte vitale, issued another and it arrived in less than a working week. He also had his CDS which he still carried albeit a now nationalised french citizen and the gendarmerie said whoever finds it, it cannot be used due to the chip and the photo embedded in the card itself so not to worry about it, he won’t need to renew it in 2028 anyway. The bank card was the easiest to do as he did it online straight away and got a new card in a couple of days.

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Check out : Fiches pratiques- Papiers

OH lost his Carte Vitale recently and reported it via Ameli.
The card was cancelled and he has now received the new card, after a shortish wait.

Don’t you mean pasteurised? :smiley:

It’s scary losing your stuff like that. I dropped my wallet in a shopping mall in Orlando once - very fortunately some honest citizen found it and handed it in to the mall security office - completely intact including $400 in cash!

Sadly they didn’t leave their details as I would have bought them a drink at the very least.

Thank you, Shiba. I will phone CPAM English advice line

I had my wallet stolen when I was living in Paris years ago, complete with cash and my CdS. A few days later the police rang to say my wallet had been handed in, together with the CdS (cash had gone obviously). The police said that thieves often take pity on the victim, appreciating a) the need for ID in France, and b) the pain of replacing it, and leave the CdS or ID card + wallet/purse anonymously, at a Mairie for them to forward to the victim.

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Thank you, Sandcastle. Yes, I certainly should have got my carte vitale cancelled. Useful to know that there is a procedure for doing so. I will try phoning the CPAM help line and ask for that form. Better late than never to cancel, I guess.

Yes, whenever I sent a request to cancel having lost my titre de sejour they told me how to get it replaced, so I gave up trying. I should have persisted and also doe the same with my carte vitale.

The reason I think my non-action has come back to bite me is that I am being charged SS contributions at 17.5% along with tax against income from letting out my property on holiday lets. Well, that’s my assumption of their justification for charging a UK pensioner for these SS contributions. The tax people have not explained. I am querying with them.

The reason I think my failure to report my loss of the cards has come back to bite me is that I am being charged SS contributions at 17.5% along with tax against income from letting out my property on holiday lets. Well, that’s my assumption of their justification for charging a UK pensioner for these SS contributions. The tax people have not explained. I am querying with them. Meanwhile I think I need to make sure I get these cancelled once and for all to avoid future tax implications.

Flipping new keyboard, dosn’t do as I tell it. Naturalised should have been written. Do keyboards become stroppy I wonder.

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If I understand correctly you are now back in the UK as a full-time resident? Did you not notify the French tax authorities that you were leaving France?

It sounds like they are still working on the assumption that you are a French resident and therefore liable for tax. Do you still own and operate the holiday lets in France?

If you have left France you needed to notify the various authorities of the exact date you left, your new address etc. Cancelling various cards is not notification of leaving France.
For the tax office, you should have stated the date you left on the last income declaration that you submitted, and declared your income up to that date.
The tax office does not know whether you have lost your residence card or cancelled it or never had one. It is not interested in your immigration status, only your fiscal residence status which has its own criteria. If you were once resident they will assume you still are until you declare that you are not. Simply not submitting a declaration tells them nothing.

But I think you need to clarify which country you live in and when you moved If you did.

Thank you Sandcastle. I get your point. I got a Brexit titre de sejour 2021 but never made a tax declaration till I earned some income in 2023 from holiday letting my house. I have never spent more than 6 months in France. I know that is non-compliant with the stipulation of the titre de sejour but does not make me liable to pay tax on my UK pension to the French, does it? The irregularity of that did not sit well with me. So, I wanted to have my French residency cancelled when I lost it. I found no way to do that because I had lost its reference number. So, I let it slide and acted as if I had no titre de sejour.
I don’t know why the tax authority is charging me 17% social security contribution as well as 20% income tax. I deduced it was because I still have a social security number. They have explained nothing even though I have asked them to.

You say you made a declaration in 2023. Did you declare as a resident or as a non resident?
If you declared yourself to be resident in 2023 and you have not told them any different, that will explain why they believe you to be resident.
Also, what have you declared on the biens immobilier section in your espace client?

How very civilised.

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