Just spent the evening deleting emails as I installed Thunderbird and it imported an embarrassing number so a rough average I received about 46 emails per day, most are adverts so upping my spam filter.
Just Stop Advertising!
Yes I get a lunatic number of spam emails but I do have SpamExperts installed on my hosting provider’s mail server so that tags the vast majority of them and then Apple Mail shifts them into a separate folder for deletion.
Hah, beat that by quite a margin
I get no advertising emails, but between 100 and 200 work emails a day. Roll on retirement in April.
These days personal emails are an extreme rarity. I run Spamassassin on the server which blocks most nefarious stuff and Thunderbird flags pretty much 100% of the rest. The rest is grey stuff - confirmation of online orders, mailshots from companies I’ve previously bought from and various news lists etc.
Spam killed email as a useful medium for personal communication years ago.
I get relatively little spam. It’s mainly newsletters and the like. Personal communications tend to be WhatsApp and Messenger.
I try to keep my gmail box to less than 30.
That would be Madame and a conservative estimate
I unsubscribe not quite as fast as she subscribes, hence hundreds swiped left every day
FWIW I “mark as spam” unless I recognise the sender of the “newsletter” - “unsubscribing” from a dodgy newsletter can have the opposite effect to that intended as it proves your email is valid.
Not sure to what extent I believe this is significant - after all if you are getting the dodgy newsletter your email is in the spammers lists already - and probably already “validated” in other ways.
Very rarely more than one every few days, usually from engie giving customer info or from the bank re documents on line and then once per month from the french pension service confirming the amoount paid. Suits me down to the ground not having lots of rubbish arrive and having to sort it out.
One strategy to minimise spam is to use a different alias on each website you subscribe to/purchase from. If the company sells on your email address or the site gets hacked, you simply delete that alias. All the emails arrive in the same email box so there is no need to review multiple email boxes.
There are a number of providers; I use Proton Pass.
The only drawbacks are Proton Pass requires a yearly subscription and that any replies to emails come from your root email address. I, like others, have made suggestions to Proton to develop a facility to send emails from alias addresses.
A pal who worked at Sotheby’s as head of IT/Finance, all the on-line bidding I s’pose, told me, “By the time I’ve dealt with the first 100 eamails there’s 100 more - and so for the rest of the day, every day”
What a nightmare.
I scan the subjects and read what I need to. If they are that important they get sent again. My inbox is over 1000 unread.
I like searching for unsubscribe in my inbox and then deleting all the results. Always has been the easiest way to clear them out . Saying that I am on my third personal email address now just due to the amount of spams which came through… So much for GDPR
Yes we could use a “I never want your cookies ever on my machine” button
Gigsbytes (Gb) ?