How to find an appartment on rent in France

Hi everyone, i am looking for what’s the best way to find an appartment on rent in France. outside france e.g. Laval
I am working and have fishe de pays, but hardly know much about this. agency i know, but other then that. i don’t have carte de sejour yet.
Any help will be appricated. Thank you.

Have a look on It covers all of France, just search the area you want. A lot of private rentals are listed as well as through agencies. Good luck.


You can try a site called wizi too where the tenant gets pre-approved (by fiche de paie etc etc) before contacting the landlord. This is useful too if you are renting and your name isn’t typically French and/ or you don’t have a CDI. Good luck!

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Very helpful indeed thank you so much :slight_smile:

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