How to pay Taxe Fonciere and Habitation Monthly

Those of us who have received and paid such Bills in a lump sum this year, might like to change to monthly payments instead.

Get the necessary registration done before 31st December 2024 and you can relax…

Dates of registering;

  • pour le paiement de votre impôt de l’année suivante :
    • entre le 1er juillet et le 15 décembre, votre compte sera prélevé à partir du 15 janvier de l’année suivante ;
    • entre le 16 et le 31 décembre, les prélèvements commenceront le 15 février de l’année suivante.
      Attention : votre compte sera alors prélevé de deux mensualités (janvier et février).
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Thanks Stella, I didn’t know that about the dates, I’ll get onto it this weekend.

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And my crit air sticker :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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and that will organise payments for next year’s bill… (not the one we’ve got already this year :wink: :wink:

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Yep DH just paid that one today, we were late again :rage::roll_eyes: so including the fine bit. I’ve been meaning to to monthly for years but I’m pants at doing paperwork!!

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I’m really confused, I’m on the site and it isn’t showing anywhere I can do it :rage:

you’ll need to go into your own Espace Particuliere and arrange it from there.

taxe d’habitation, taxe foncière : vous n’avez pas encore opté pour le prélèvement ?

N’hésitez pas à adhérer au prélèvement mensuel ou au prélèvement à l’échéance pour le paiement de ces impôts.

Voir les options de paiement

Sorted, I was in mine but that wouldn’t do, I had to log into DHs. :rage: sexist!

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Thanks Stella I’ve been meaning to ask about this. So the payments will automatically be taken out of our account? So presumably confirmation could be done by post? I’m asking this in case I go to a better place before my other half who absolutely loathes computers. So I have to make everything paper based

No idea but I reckon you can contact your local Impots people and arrange it through them. theGov site offers both options.

“Vous pouvez souscrire au prélèvement de plusieurs façons (en ligne ou auprès de votre service des impôts).”

I’m wondering, if one does not want to pay property taxes monthly, does one pay a single payment in the last quarter (e.g. by direct debit - mandatory if over 300€ ?).

So e.g. for a 2025 bill it would be 12 monthly payments in 2025 or one single payment in October / November 2025?

As the “link” says… you can choose monthly DD or a one-off DD (full amount) when the Bill becomes due for payment.

The link also says how the monthly system works… can’t remember it word for word… if you take another look, it should become clearer :crossed_fingers:

Thanks Stella - yes I read the link and that’s what I think it was saying!

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