I fell in the river today

While walking the dogs by the river today Jules found a dead pigeon and, not wanting him to pick it up, I went to throw it into the river, tripped and fell headfirst down the 2 metre bank. No injury apart from a sore head and throat due to hitting the riverbed, but I lost amongst other things my phone and am therefore uncontactable apart from here and by email.

I have got Fran’s mobile, unused and out of credit for a long time, but I can’t recharge the credit because I don’t know the number. I have ordered a new phone to arrive on Wednesday and would like to buy another sim card if I can keep my old number, but Reglomobile are not good at answering queries.

If anyone is downstream on the River Dronne from St. Front la Riviere, could they please keep an eye open for a black bag with my phone in it, a green peaked cap and two little pink hearing aids? :roll_eyes:

No dogs were hurt during this saga and indeed it was a good job that I was able to drag my self out because neither of them appeared to notice, much less rush St. Bernard like to my rescue. :astonished:


Scary stuff David, glad you are OK that’s the main thing…

I’m not sure your phone will survive a “dip in the Dronne” unfortunately, so I suspect you will need to get a shiny new one.

Would it (and the hearing aids) be covered under your house contents insurance?

Do be careful, Bond

I’m glad you are OK @David_Spardo
Accidents happen when you least expect them… I was reading this morning about a student who drowned while walking her dog… presumable slipped blah blah blah

You were extremely lucky… please take care.

Time to let rotting pigeons rest! It could but thankfully didnt change your life. So a smart new phone rather than a smart phone eh? Another day maybe youll spot your bag etc, was there much of a current? Glad you are OK.

Sorry to hear of the mishap but glad to know that all three of you are OK.

The river banks at the moment around here (North 79) are very muddy. Stuart had the same problem last week at our little lake - he slipped several times down the bank whilst retrieving a fallen oak tree (due to high winds). He twisted his wonky knee but fortunately didn’t get too wet. But he did get dirty!

Please take care David :kissing_heart:

Oh no! :scream: Fais gaffe quand même ! I hope you haven’t done yourself a mischief.

So sorry to hear about your tumble but very glad to hear you’re relatively unscathed.

The number of the 'phone or the number to call to recharge it?

If it’s the 'phone then it should have a way to display it’s own number somewhere in it’s menus, even if it’s a not a smartphone.

Glad to hear that you bounced rather than broke, David, but do look after yourself.

10 days ago I did suggest people take care on riverbanks! It’s not a fun thing and our dog didn’t help either!

If you can charge Fran’s phone you should be able to find the number in ‘settings’.

(However, slipped when trying to cross /ford stream as was very icy and landed flat on my back in the river, with my leg jammed beneath me by a rock. So took 10 minutes or more to get out by which time I was soaked through up to armpits. Dog was not bothered. But no permanent damage bar a few bruises.

Take care people!)

Glad you’re safe, David.

One piece of good news is that Réglo will provide you with a replacement SIM if the original is lost, free or charge for your first ‘offence’ (you simply need to visit your nearest Leclerc).


Glad you are ok! My dogs the same: they would stand on the bank waving at me :rofl:

Well very heartening all the replies and I thank you all but I will answer some of the points raised.

A new phone is on the way, very similar to the lost one with the added bonus of an incoming name and number display on the outside so I know who to ignore without having to open it.

The current in the river is very fast which is why nothing I lost was visible only seconds after I went in, but it is not deep so not enough to sweep me away but not deep enough to cushion the blow of head to bed.

The bank is a bit slippery but I did not slip, I tripped at the top and went down and in head first without even a chance to use my arms to break the fall.

Fran’s phone is now fully charged but as I don’t know the number (because we never used it, it was bought on holiday many years ago when I forgot and left my phone at home) I can’t recharge it and, although I managed to get into settings it won’t let me go further to find the number, because the credit has run out.

I have sent a message to RegloMobile to ask if they will send me a new sim with my old number on so I can put it into the new phone on Wednesday. We’ll see if they answer and if they will send it for nothing. My nearest Leclerc store is 50 kms away in any direction.

Regarding the dogs, I think my next one will have to be a Newfoundland, the next time I go in it might be alot deeper. :thinking:

One good thing though, the walking boots I bought some weeks ago really are waterproof. They were still full of water when I squelched home. :joy:


At least they acknowledge you though. :rofl:

I would guess that the number on Fran’s phone has long since been reallocated to someone else, unless it was on a monthly contract, which I presume it wasn’t since you mentioned there being no credit on it.

Best bet sounds like @George1’s suggestion of getting Réglo to reinstate your number on a new SIM.

That should go in the Cheerful news section!

And the fact that I am still alive. :joy:


I once watched a group of Newfoundland dogs doing a water rescue display. It was pretty impressive. I’m glad to hear that you rescued yourself. As @ChrisMann has pointed out keeping your old phone number will be no problem. It’s too late now but I could have given you a waterproof Samsung non smart phone that I have in perfect working order.

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Very glad to hear you are unharmed apart from the lost phone & other bits - still an inconvenience though.

The last time we were at the house we had a knock on the door from the neighbour one evening who was asking if she could enter the garden to check for their cat which had gone AWOL - don’t know if she found it but the next day her husband was round - she’d dropped her phone down the very narrow gap between our back wall and the neighbour’s shed behind. Unfortunately firmly wedged - couldn’t get it out at all. It was at the bottom more than 1.8m down a gap which was about 6-8cm wide - just wide enough for the phone to fall down but not enough for it to lie horizontally. I tried looping a string through a long section of conduit but, although I could reach it, there was no chance of passing the string around the phone. Monsieur tried for a good while longer as we wanted to go out - no idea if he succeeded.

Anyway the point was (I know this is probably not true for David) just how much of our lives we put on phones these days. Banking, contacts, social media, uncle tom cobbly and all. Even if you get a new one it takes forever to set things up again.

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Do I take it you’re not an Apple user?