I thought the EU was all about co-operation?

Recently I obtained a Crit’Air sticker, so I can drive into certain French Cities.

The other day I registered (admittedly for free) to allow me to drive into certain Belgian Cities.

Now it appears I need another sticker, to allow me to drive into German Cities.

If they can have a single currency, surely they can have a single LEZ sticker?


We, surely, not they? More importantly, does everyone agree on where it should be placed?


I’m British, so the countries of the EU are “they” to me.

Where do you live?

To be fair, the single currency does make it easier to pay the fines due to there not being a common sticker.


Well they could if they wanted but they prefer to each have their own.

Cooperation means working together. In the context of the EU it involves a group of separate sovereign countries working together in certain mutually agreed areas. It doesn’t mean ceasing to be separate sovereign countries.
A simple enough concept you would think but one that they (the people in the UUK who voted for Brexit) seemed unable to understand.


And correct me if I’m wrong, but in the UK does not each town and city have its own different scheme?


LEZs are only a temporary measure that have to be imposed on us until everyone stops using dinosaur juice.

Most things are temporary if you take a long enough perspective but I suspect that in terms of my lifespan zfe’s are permanent.

On a slightly different tack, Spain is apparently going to regularise the status of many thousands of migrants who are in the country now. The Prime Minister says they need 200,000 plus a year to be active workers. I suppose once they have been regularised they will be able travel throughout the EU.

That certainly is a different tack. Is there a connection?

What’s needed is an EU Directive - with diagrams.

But until then you will be stuck with the Deutsche Bundesplakettenverordnung. :smiley:


Er, yes.

Not all German cities require the Umweltplakette.

Buy online direct from a city (Berlin is very efficient) or from a German car dealer as many also issue them but not from online sellers at inflated prices .

Berlin application in English HERE

Sovrinty, innit ? But, yes, it would have been handier if the EU Commission and Parliament could have agreed on a single common format, common positioning on the screen, and common system for registration and management.

To be fair not all French cities are enforcing restrictions either

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They said that about income tax. Itll be gone as soon as we’ve dealt with that Bonaparte upstart.


And the “temporary” rise in VAT from 8% to 15% in June 1979. Thanks Maggie.


They do, sort of, but the schemes are run by ANPR cameras referring back to DVLA.

You don’t need a sticker per place or any sticker at all. You check your reg against the data base and pay if you need to or not if your car ‘complies’.

Regrettably, reluctantly, just so. The new system for entering/staying/leaving a Schengen zone country is supposed to be a more effective way to spot over-stayers and we Brits are caught up in that, even those of us who have residency in an EU country.

Having had dealings with ‘Trafico’ in ES and the vehicle reg system in FR I have long wondered why there’s not an EU common standard for ‘C.T.’/’ ITV (Inspección Técnica de Vehículos) and whatever it’s called in other EU countries. The Type Standardisation of Conformity works across the EU for new vehicles. Why not a standard test for roadworthyness?

Because great swathes would be cut thru’ civil service depts all over EU and they don’t have that, Grandma, don’t civil servants.

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Not until they all have the same electronic readers

I think you have an odd idea of staffing levels in civil service. They are not generally generous.