Ice cars at EV bornes

I had a long drive to the hospital yesterday confident in the knowledge they have two EV recharging bays in the car park. Unfortunately, both bays were occupied by ICE cars, presumably because they were a bit nearer the entrance than conventional parking places.

Would it not be possible to have ANPR cameras fitted to all EV bornes so that ICE drivers are charged a deterrent amount to park there?

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Did you mention this at the Hospital… ???

No, I was too focussed on my upcoming investigation plus I am a hassle free sort of person. I can take the garlic shrug to a whole new level.

haha, not sure if this typo was intentional or not :rofl:


You should smell my breath!!!

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No idea what an ICE car is (internal combustion engine?) but just yesterday a fellow electric car driver was complaining about bornes being deliberated blocked by large utility vehicles who object to environmental measures!

Sorry about all the acronyms, Perhaps you would care to join my Campaign for the Repudiation of Acronymic Proliferation


Remember to park at a petrol station pump and watch the inverse :rofl:

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Strangely enough, I did just that today. Just as the person next to me started warn me, I got out a jerry can and started filling it for my mower. :joy:

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I’m wondering just what hey thought was happening :rofl: