After my last post i found you all very helpful but here comes some more from me…
A long story short i have 2 children and my first born had her her first 2 immunisations but then developed a really bad rash with a very high temperature which wouldnt go down for a week and had to be in hospital, after many tests they found that she is allergic and advised against further immunisations. My second born came along and after hes first he also had the same issues if slightly worse. My issue here is, i have read that all children attending schooling in france need to be fully vaccinated or cannot go. We never had any questions about this in the uk schools but i am worried because the whole point of us buying a home in france is for a better lifestyle and for the kids to attend school and ofcourse learn french. I cannot bear the thought of them not joining in their new environment. Are there any similar people who have experience with this? I am really scared of us moving everything there just to find out our children cannot have decent schooling.
Thank you once again
Thank you but i dont undersand any of this. I will translate it though x
To add to Vero’s link, which basically says that these are obligatory unless known contra-indication(s).
It doesn’t mean you saying so, it has to be a specific contra-indication and these are:
Les véritables contre-indications aux vaccinations sont exceptionnelles. Celles-ci se peuvent être trouvées par exemple dans la Base de données publique des médicaments.
Contrairement à l’opinion courante, les rhumes ou les rhino pharyngites, l’asthme, les maladies de peau, les maladies chroniques cardiaques, respiratoires, rénales, hépatiques, les séquelles neurologiques, le diabète, ne constituent pas des contre-indications aux vaccinations. Les contre-indications à la vaccination, provisoires ou définitives, sont finalement très rares.
Les contre-indications reconnues sont la présence :
- d’une allergie grave connue à l’un des composants du vaccin ;
- d’une réaction allergique grave lors d’une précédente injection du vaccin.
Les vaccins vivants atténués (ROR, BCG, vaccins contre les infections à rotavirus, la varicelle, le zona, la fièvre jaune, la
dengue et le vaccin nasal contre la grippe saisonnière) sont contre-indiqués en cas d’immunodépression congénitale ou
acquise tant que l’immunodépression persiste, sauf cas particuliers.
So basically a serious allergy or allergic reaction. Which presumably would have to be confirmed by your doctor. But given the history sounds as if the hospital should be able to provide some sort of certification to say this.
And France being France it would then be best to get this translated officially (assermenté).
I have it all confirmed in both red books but is this accepted or would they need anything else? I want to be prepared
I don’t know an answer to that. You might have to ask a school in the area you are planning to live in.
In general French administration likes specific attestations. So if you can then try to get a specific letter
@JaneJones would it help to take thr UK confirmation to the French doctor who will be the children’s Médécin Traitante asap, together with the child and ask the French MT to verify and provide whatever proof they would normally provide to a school on this?
I’m thinking the MT will be totally familiar with requirements and far easier for the school to accept whatever the MT provides in accordance with the rules here, than to have the school accept a document that was not originating from France - as in the latter case they’re off piste so pot luck for each school.
The French MT will probably replace the red books with a French carnet de santé. You don’t take your child to a GP, they go to a pédiatre who is their GP.
Most of the 11 compulsory vaccinations are the same in English (or Latin), you need to have identified exactly which there were adverse reactions to, beating in mind it may be the carrier not the vaccine itself, and then get the pédiatre to check in the Vidal what the correspondences are with UK administered vaccines and what you can opt out of.
Both of mine were done at the local Socio Médico clinic which is a free clinic for anyone who turns up and needs help plus our good friend was the head nurse so advised us to go there. We were given the Carnet de Santé for the children and they still have them now and the UK proof of vaccinations was recorded and the cards attached to the relevent pages. The carnets were called for as they went through school especially for the TB and Hepatitis jabs in collège.
By the way, there will be a solution as it is obligatory for children to attend school! Just prepare yourself for a bureaucratic hurdle or two.
Thank you to all of you, im really scared i really want them to have this. I was also wondering, i know toulouse has synagogues but its a long journey for us were close to perpignan so does anyone know of any around here that may be abit closer as i cant seem to find one
It sounds as if you are thinking you may have to fall back on homeschooling. In fact I do not think this would be an option. Parents in France do not have free choice to opt to home school their is only allowed in very exceptional situations where attending school is deemed harmful to the child’s physical or emotional wellbeing.
This legislation was brought in a few years ago with the aim of preventing radicalization of children but of course legislation cannot be applied only to specific races or religions so everyone in France is subject to the same rules.
So as Jane says, if they are fit and healthy they must attend school, so a solution will be found.
I live in Perpignan area and have not heard of any synagogues around here, more mosques than anything!
Hi @Lola89 . There is at least one synagogue in Perpignan.
There are also Jewish community associations if you need any help.
I would have thought a ‘Letter’ from the physicien who admitted them to hospital should ‘do the trick’
Our local college did not ask for any proof of vaccination.
Just because they didn’t ask you doesn’t mean they wouldn’t ask others. The OP can’t bank on not being asked especially with younger children
of course…
You aren’t allowed to register at maternelle/primaire without showing your carnet de santé with all the boxes ticked. It is seen regularly throughout your school career (even in lycée it can be requested). You are supposed to take your child to a pédiatre regularly and to keep up with boosters etc.