Importing a car goof

I’ve got this friend, right? He moved to France recently, filled in a detailed inventory of his and Madame’s property and the property cleared customs and everything is hunky-dory.

Except he didn’t put the car on the inventory (I didn’t realise I needed to, and the people who did the removal didn’t tell me).

Madame is going to ring Duane tomorrow but I wondered if anyone else had done this and if there is anything particular my friend should mention.

Merci bien.

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I think all you can do is beg forgiveness as you normally only get one bite at the cherry with your inventory. Good luck.

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All the more reason to send Madame into the fray then!! Thanks

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Movers are usually quite reluctant to add stuff to the inventory that they’re not carrying so they might have handily ‘forgotten’ to mention.

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How recent is recent?

I arrived 7 November.

I’d say there a good chance of explaining the oversight away. There’s a tolerance and forgiveness for errors in income tax and the opportunity to correct them without penalty. Obviously moving home is a stressful time and one could easily overlook something. Hopefully you’ve owned the car for some tme, so it’s clearly not an attempt to pull a fast one, but to just move your household.

I’d be reasonably confident in your shoes.

This is the link to the income tax error website.

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Which is fair enough if they are not actually moving it :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I’d try and treat the car as a side issue, though part of the overall move.

It’s not fair enough as you can only submit one form for everything you’re moving over.

I’m a great believer in telling the truth…
Asking forgiveness… and looking sad/worried while doing this… has brought out the best in folk… gendarmes and all sorts of officials. :wink:

So, yes, send Madame … this was an innocent mistake and she can tell them that… :crossed_fingers: :+1:

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I think the most important thing regarding your car is to get ir registered in France, get your “Carte Gris” and French number plates.

We used a company SOSanglo who handled it efficiently and very reasonably priced.

When we moved, (2018) albeit to a fully furnsished property, we did three or four trips mainly bringing books, cd’s, clothes, stereo, computers, ornaments, tumbledryer, a couple of small bookcases and a desk in the back of our Berlingo. No inventory.

Things were different then.


Even differenter back in '99. No more stressful than crossing the frontier between Notts and Derbys. :joy:

Ah so! 23 June 2016 … :roll_eyes: