Increase in cost of water?

Has anyone else noticed an increase in the cost of water? I am sure we are using less water now than we used to but the bills just keep getting more expensive. Each year we get a small bill around January and a big one around June, we just got our big one today and I want to see if it sounds reasonable to people or if I need to look into it. To give some context we are a house of 4, we don’t store rain water or anything but are careful with our water usage.

Cost per year:
2024 - 843 euros
2023 - 685 euros
2022 - 564 euros

How does this compare? Are other people seeing a rise in costs too?
I tried to work it out from the bill but I can’t make heads or tails of it.
Thanks in advance!

Hi @Zoe

If you look at your Water Bill, you can compare the amount of Water (cubic meters) used and the different items charged… year by year…

that should show you where the difference in costs is occurring.
Costs have risen, but should reflect your lower consumption.

If the bill is totally baffling… take the 3 bills you quote 2022/2023/2024 and ask a neighbour or someone at the Waterboard… or do you have a helpful person at your Mairie ???

It might very well depend on who your water supplier is.

Despite our water services being provided by our commune directly, they have a pretty good website where you can see your consumption (in m³), plus the price per litre per year.

Just for comparison, here’s the price per litre for this year:

Prix TTC du litre d’eau (hors abonnement) : 0,00434 €

There’s also an abonnement of €52 for each 6 months too.

I think I heard something on the radio about increased water prices (in France), but I was only half listening so this isn’t much help.

Obviously in the UK we have our own particular - er - challenges when it comes to the cost of water. And what floats in it.

There isn’t a national price for water in France and varies hugely across the country. In our commune our bill has risen a lot because of having to build a new sewage plant. The price per m3 for water has only risen a tiny bit, but the “extras” have added on a lot.

Don’t forget to check the reading on your meter too, I used to get an estimated one around June/July based on what they considered my use and then it was rectified in either direction when the main meter reading took place each November for the January catch-up bill and I always took a photo with my tablet as proof of the reading in June as well. Since moving, my water is a lot less than the dept where I lived previously and is recorded by smart meter in the pavement outside my drive automatically so they know what I am using and charge accordingly. I pay a fixed amount each month and then am either credited or have to pay the difference in January.

Also check that there are no leaks…

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This was in the Local

Well, that’s just ****ing peachy for folks that need to keep a pool topped up.

Perhaps that’s the reason?

2 links which might be interesting…

Le prix de l’eau | Eaufrance).

✔ Prix du m3 eau dans ma commune au 1er janvier 2024.


Fixed that for you :wink:


this link has been brought up to date and is really helpful and informative (in my view) :wink:

I hope the folks whose gites you promote see the funny side of their costs increasing year on year.

The increase in cost of water are peanuts compared to the other costs the gîte owners face!

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We are 2 people (plus 7 rather thirsty “guest” calves who have an expensive drinking habit!).

2023 - 355€
2024 - 342€

Our water cost per M3 is 2,02€. Our typical annual consumption is 75m3, and the calves about 20m3.

I was today years old when I realised that there’s a thousand litres in 1m³. Ain’t the decimal system great :smiley:


That’s great to to use as a comparison thanks

Got my mid year facture by email today. The price TTC per litre has gone up from €0,00284 back in Jan 2024 to €0,00381. The treatment and other charges have also gone up a fair bit too but I am still paying les than half of what I used to pay in Bretagne for the same period and approx same amount. Because of the terrible drought here since 2022, charges have gone up to finance other sources of water and treatment and delivery from outside the dept and I noticed the level in both toilets has fallen too, so obviously they are reducing the pressure too.