Independence Day

On average, every six days somewhere on earth a country celebrates its independence from the United Kingdom. Today is the United Kingdom’s independence day, from the European Union, and yet no celebrations.
Funny that.
I feel short changed.


Dont remind us, its the silly stuff that adds up to a bit more hassle and cost. Pet travel doc for example, why not an annual one, £450-600 per year on average and nothing has changed between each trip, the pet passport didnt require it.

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Please celebrate for us.

OTOH perhaps leaving the EU just simply wasn’t a big deal. :wink:

Sorted. Me and some chums getting it down.


Rees-Mordor tried to celebrate it, but inadvertently invited a British farmer on to his GB News show, who explained to him exactly why Brexit has royally f@cked British food exports, and is about to do the same to imports as standards controls and checks are gradually introduced this year.

Of course the GB News producer cut him off once it became clear he was not going to toe the party line.

Mordor apparently believes that checking the quality of incoming food is quite unnecessary, it’s perfectly fine if we all eat substandard food; after all he and his mates would love to lower UK food standards to make us “more competitive” aka cheaper and nastier.

Meanwhile Andrea Leadsom, another contestant in the “Ignorant Lying Toad of The Year” contest, tried to claim that businesses would “adapt” to trade barriers and that “we knew Brexit would mean higher costs”, despite every Leave campaigner assuring us all that there would be “no downsides to Brexit, only upsides”.

I am thoroughly sick of these clowns and they cannot get kicked out of Government soon enough so some adults can take over.



Though I’m tempted to wonder where we are going to find the required adults.


Think subsequent posts suggest it was an unfortunately large deal for many UK residents, whereas for those of us fortunate to live in France, after a bit of hassle, the main downside has been that we can no longer vote in EU or local elections.

Although today I’ve been charged €10 import duty on a UK exhibition catalogue.

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Very big deal for me personally - not only in terms of the general effect on the UK economy, but also very directly in thousands of pounds per year of lost business because I can no longer (legally) work as a photographer anywhere in the EU (apart from Eire) - the effect of loss of freedom of movement on service businesses like mine was totally ignored by the Leave campaign and also by the UK Government in negotiating the withdrawal agreement.

Boris was happy to wave kippers around and talk endlessly about shiny new trade deals with Kreblukistan and other fictional faraway nations, but the service sector apparently doesn’t exist.

Not to mention the additional hassle and bureaucracy that i will face when I eventually retire to France in a year or few. Assuming Marine Le Pen doesn’t replace Macron and I will still be able to.

I know this thread is in the comedy category and was meant to be light-hearted but it’s a subject that makes me very angry and which I find it very hard to joke about.


you are not alone…


Very sorry, but not surprised to read your story. I was very fortunate to be able to take early retirement in 2017 and move f/t to a French house that we’d bought five years earlier.

OTOH there are so many people who post on SF, who previously would have found it easy to move here, but now have to jump through many more hoops. And they have my sympathy - not least because they’re currently living in the UK…


Even with a European passport, as a British resident I’d have found some things easier. Wonder how I’d have stood if I’d wanted to WFH in France pre-Brexit?

Perhaps the reason that there were no celebrations is that only something like 17% of the UK population actually voted ‘Leave’, despite the claims of a ‘democratic majority’. Nowadays, it wouldn’t even be that many as people have realised what a colossal con and disaster it was.

They are about to find out when they either cannot find their European food in the shops or it costs a heck of a lot more.
Stand by and wait for the howl, 'Nobody told us this would happen ',

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I appreciate that. Believe me I’m beyond livid with Brexit and Brexiteers. While the former certainly is not a joke my targeted sardonicism towards the latter determined my choice of location for the post.


I am celebrating that today is the anniversary of the day we decided to move to France !


I was listening to Andrea Loathsome taking questions from MPs in the Commons. I think I detest her as much as Rees-Mordor. I was particularly unhappy when she wished Fabricant a Happy Brexit Day. News of that 'celebration ’ had missed my ears.
Anyway the discussion was on the tory answer to the (lack of) doctor problem. Easy - give a lot of their work to pharmacists. The latter were just sitting around waiting for something to do. My pharmacist wife tells me the locum rates are dropping even lower as a reward for working above 98% of their endurance.

Yes, and if I go in to buy a medicine that is on the prescription list. they will give it me anyway without charge and tell me to come back in a couple of days with the ordonnance to regulate the transaction.
One lady in particular went to a great deal of trouble on the telephone in reducing, correctly, the large charge on Fran’s hospital stay. And that wasn’t all, if she senses something wrong she will immediately set about putting it right.


dual nationality…I can vote in all french elections, and now, at last, can vote in the uk to give those corrupt lazy bastards a kicking. So sorry it’s hard going on £120k a year.

I am not sure you can vote in both countries though…

I seem to recall this was made plain to us when we Registered at our Mairie… and got on the French Electoral Roll… albeit some years ago… we could NOT vote in both countries.

Have things changed since then ??? or were we incorrectly advised…

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I’m sure you mean “should” not “can” Stella :wink:

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