I Love it!!! the Thread has changed Name from John Bercow Good Man! to “John Bercow defies eurosceptics with vow to stay on as speaker”
Well played admin well played
I Love it!!! the Thread has changed Name from John Bercow Good Man! to “John Bercow defies eurosceptics with vow to stay on as speaker”
Well played admin well played
Kerching ! Laugh-out-loud moment there @anon69921496
Just a tip Torre, this forum is predominantly (although not exclusively it would seem!) inhabited by Francophiles - many of whom live in France / Europe and would like to continue doing so.
A contributors poll on this forum confirmed that the vast majority (of those who voted!) are remainers - whether they live here or not. That very fact alone should give you an indication of the overwhelming feeling about Brexit amongst SF contributors - if it doesn’t then that would indicate that your sole purpose in contributing is to stir things up.
So I would suggest you think about how you may be perceived by some contributors!
Another tip - people choosing to live in Europe don’t generally vote to leave it - that would be like turkey’s voting for Christmas …(or any other appropriate occasion!)
Afternoon Simon, " Jog on" “shit stir” what a nice man!!
I joined SF as i bought a holiday home in France a country i have been visiting for the last 30 years and thought it would be nice to get some advice (which i have).
Brexit is the biggest political issue in my life and as someone who voted Leave i should be allowed to give my point of view. I am sorry it does not match yours, but i would never be so rude.
“So l would suggest you jog on!”
When did SF become exclusive to Remainers Simon?
If we are to democratically adhere to the wishes of the majority here on SF i.e., 'NO BREXITEERS WELCOME HERE" then l suppose one could argue that the democratically held referendum of 2016 in which the majority voted leave should be adhered to and not be subject to debate or discussion following your “jog on” logic.
My view, and only my opinion, is that you can be extraordinarily intolerant of other members that do not share your world view as in this case.
The ‘jog on’ phrase which less enlightened folk might not know is boy’s slang for “fuck off” was, and again only in my opinion, totally uncalled for.
‘A Good man’ was the title of this thread before it was changed if that helps.
Yup - I guessed you didn’t live here Torre - but no doubt aim to benefit from the best bits of France. I’m really glad SF has helped you do that, so fail to understand why you would deliberately provoke and upset contributors (me) with your pro-Brexit stance. I’m fully aware there are those who live full time in France and also voted Brexit - I have them in a category all of their own
I’m an adult and don’t consider ‘sh*t-stir’ and ‘j$g-$n’ to be rude in this context. Certainly no more so than using the terms self-righteous and Na$i which I find particularly offensive!
However, my recollection is that, like many Leavers, you have not been able to identify any benefits to doing so.
As far as I know it isn’t - not should it be although, obviously, there is a strong Remain bias which is hardly surprising.
Your words Dan so don’t put them in my mouth - I try to be more polite
No - just those deliberately trying to throw in grenades
Never. I’m the one who instigated the poll Doesn’t mean I’m ever going to agree with Leavers or like what they say. Or…don’t I get to express my views… ? No middle ground for me - that’s how it is.
I confess I didn’t notice.
I am not trying to provoke anyone, my view is my view i am sorry it upset’s you. I do consider telling someone to “Jog on” to be Rude when directed at a particular person (me). Maybe Brexit issues should be banned on SF but then if your are going to ban free speech we might as well live in Iran.
Don’t be ridiculous - it simply that I don’t like what you say. I know that may be hard for you but I fully accept that you may feel the same about what I say. You got my back up with your comments about John Bercow which also introduced Brexit in your first post #3 on this thread!
Whilst I’ve no love for the man as a person I don’t have a problem with him staying on as speaker if he is able to use his authority to stop a ‘no-deal’ Brexit by allowing parliament a final say.
A personal plea, any chance we can have some civility as a few of the phrases used are unnecessarily rude, thanks awfully.
I’ve replaced my offending phrases - let me know if I’ve missed any My apologies for getting upset.
Any one who lives in an EU country and voted for Brexit deserves to be sent to Iran.
What has Iran ever done to you Jane?
I may not agree with what you say, but I would defend to the death to your right to say it
(or any other mis-quote, paraphrase, mis-attribution, or downright theft you may like.
i.e. not Voltaire - probably).
Personally, I prefer Wilde’s version.
Nazi, Last Supper and now Iran - what next ?
Kosovo, The Falls Road or Treblinka peut-être ?
Anyone who thinks that anyone who lives in Europe and voted for Brexit deserves to be sent to Iran needs to reconsider using such inflammatory language - smacks of hatred in my opinion.