That’s Jane’s view Dan - leave her (and me!) alone and stop trying to intimidate / provoke!
Well I must be a lot less enlightened than I thought I was because I didn’t realise ‘J@g @n’ is slang for Fuck Off
Oh it is Nellie if you want to try and cause problems for another SF contributor !
There you go again - making assumptions!!
Fact is that it doesn’t have to be admin which changes the title - I have changed titles on many occasions and get this @anon69921496 I’m NOT an admin!!!
Truth is never assume… it just makes an ass of U and me (courtesy of my flying instructor)
Hi Nellie - This gives it a little context
Jog on
An insult, meaning ‘fuck off’; from the British film “The Football Factory”
One of those great, frequently relevant one-liners. Now hijacked by chavs, making it sound less impressive than when it was only quoted by those who’d actually seen the movie.
Simon closing another member down because you disagree with them is your go to default mode and well rehearsed as evidenced by many of your previous posts. Trying to muscle me into silence on the false premise that my posts are intimidating and provocative is a new low, even for you.
Unless sanctioned by ‘Admin’ l will continue to call out, what l consider to be, un-dinner party and unpleasant language/comments;
Mind you l was thinking of saying ‘Simon mate why don’t you just j*g on’. But of course such base and vulgar riposte would lower me to your level so l decided against it.
That’s interesting Graham, l didn’t know l could change the title of another members thread - this one was started by Catherine (Admin) - obviously someone else changed the title - or is that an assumption?
If your “trust level” is “regular” then, yes, you can.
@Dan_Wood I have already stated that I find you intimidating and I have asked you to leave me alone . Nothing false about it - that’s how you make me feel - intimidated and threatened. I’ve previously removed my offending words and apologised - so, one more time - leave me alone. Thank you.
Graham, well done you have taught me you can change the name on a thread and that you have done it many times, good on you.
Simon you defend Jane for wanting to send people to Iran if the voted leave but tell me to jog on because i questioned if john bercow was a good man!!
Sorry graham i have clicked on the orange pencil on the title of thread and it show James admin as the person that changed the title, click on it and tell me what you see.
Incorrect Torre - I defended Jane’s right to express her view.
You didn’t question whether or not JB was a ‘good man’. You clearly stated he wasn’t - based on unsubstantiated allegations made in October 2018.
He was cleared of any such allegations by the Cox report - so why bang on about it?
In any case - pleased to see I haven’t ‘closed you down’ - I do love a healthy debate
I’ll be honest I didn’t read it as Bercow is a good man. I read it as kind of a well done
Well I think John Bercow is a good man and has much to be proud of…he changed the pistol shooting gallery (!) into a crèche for starters…
He actively engages young people in politics…he and his wife have an autistic son and he is active in this regard too…
The current Tory leadership con test is just shameful and if I knew where to find the green sick emoji then I would put it here…
They are acting like a majority government and as John Bercow rightly points out…it’s a hung parliament…
Good on him for giving Parliament a voice…x
What exactly is the problem with James changing the title? Which incidentally, he did because I had posted it before going to work (not enough coffee!) - and he felt it wasn’t clear enough.
If I don’t have a problem with that, why does anyone else?
Please don’t I hate the vomiting emoji. It’s too much like being at work
Problem with changing the Title of this thread in particular is that the title is what i had a problem with. My valid point that John Bercow has a history of complaints about him particularly from women in the house of commons mean he should not have the pharse good man labeled with him. By changing the title name i belive to be an attempt to undermine my opinion and then to have paul ask why am i talking about who has mentioned good man and graham pretend he changed the thread name for some reason. In future please leave the Title alone as clearly it has caused confussion.
@Dan_Wood just gently FYI it’s Catharine not Catherine (as in the fiery spinning wheel), just Catharine equipped with those wheels incorporating heavy duty high HP blades to chop off a chap’s legs mid-thigh, leaving him open-mouthed, standing on two bloody stumps, and a metre shorter in stature.
I suggest you keep the image vividly in mind when next you type the boss’s moniker/monikA
Graham did not say he had changed the title, he said that some members can change titles if they wish ,that he (Graham) had changed titles in the past so don’t assume that admin have done it