@james - perhaps you would like to respond?
I have tried to explain why you acted as you did but it has clearly fallen on deaf ears…!
Unsubstantiated complaints !! Stop presenting allegations as facts - very dangerous.
And…I am NOT going to respond further ( I do like to have a life!) other than to say this was my personal opinion about his behaviour in this case.
If you have chosen to read anything else into it, then that is your issue.
And FWIW, I do think he is a good man based on the information I have to date.
I stand, or stumble, suitably chastised, however FYI it was a simple typo - I’ m sure it’s happened many, many times before and Catharine will not hold it against me. Mind you today has been a little odd so anything could happen:blush:
I changed the title. It’s my job.
If anyone has a problem with that, PM me. Or vent here.
Sounds a bit tedious. Does it pay well?
Neither did I, Nellie
When I read Simon’s remark, I took it to mean something like “get away” (and not from the Forum, simply from Simon).
There is a lot of unnecessary language on this thread. Glad I’m only dipping in, since… it is obviously time for me to dip out
Also Amazon are selling a book by that title. I wonder if they know how rude it is
Yeah, just got WiFi on the new yacht.
I still don’t consider piss off as bad as fuck off ( sorry Stella)
You lot having a contest of qui pisse le plus loin tonight?
“Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary for slang words and phrases, operating under the motto “Define Your World.” The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham.”
I have never used a Dictionary for Slang Words and do not feel the need for one now. However, it is interesting to know that one exists, for those who like that sort of thing.
The link didn’t work for some reason (now edited) but if you follow it you will see the latter meaning is listed.
I’d consider it fairly mild though.
Torcaz seems to have “exited, stage left” anyhow.
Very useful for deciphering why the innocent remark you made has the woke proto-hipsters sniggering.
I love dictionaries - I have a marvellous Spanish/Catalan dictionary of Catalan slang, it is hilarious.
Hummmmmm… I guess it was a case of mission accomplished. I must try not to rise to the bait
When someone flounces like that it always reminds me of a child taking their ball in
My first dictionary (when I was about 6) was American-English. I loved it but Gran was horrified when she realized and tried to take it away and swap it for English-English one
Probably got a dozen or so now, in various languages. Fascinating working through one on a dull day.