Hello, Firstly this is not meant to exclude all you gentlemen out there, but aimed at the ladies living alone, or with a husband who dislike diy.
Recently we have had several ladies who have specifically contacted us in regards to Decorating their homes. From a security aspect (females living alone), but also to be able to advise on colour and design too.
These two new clients want their homes decorated whilst they are away on holiday. This means that not only do they come back to a freshly painted house, but they haven’t been there during the process, and it also means that the house has been secure while they were away, and their animals haven’t needed to be put in kennels . Another plus is that we are seeing different parts of France too, So all in all a win win situation for everyone.
So if there is anyone out there, planning to go away, and fancy having your house re decorated. Please feel free to contact us www.avriljones.com
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