I enjoyed that Krister - however, the chastening fact is that the majority of people don’t struggle to read just one language - contrary to popular belief in the UK, most of the world’s population is bilingual or multilingual - and (if they have been taught to read at all) the evidence seems to be that bi/multi-lingualism actually increases their literacy.
I agree Geof. I’m multilingual: born (almost) with two languages, Finnish and Swedish; later English and little German, and now French. So I juggle daily with four languages. Keeps the brain active
Good one, Krister, I love it! We’ve always called it franglais, though. No matter, it’s great that you know so many languages. I’ve read that learning more than one language can prevent Alzheimer’s. So, I guess you have absolutely no worries about that!
Try this one:
Quel est votre valise, M le Conte
(What’s your case squire)