I would appreciate any advice given. This subject is a little complicated. I am recently separated soon to be divorced. My partner is widowed. I have a property I purchased on my own, and as far as I understand if any thing happens to me it would be split between my three children. My partner who was widowed a couple of years ago has no children but due to his wife’s death only owns two thirds of property as the other third is owned by his deceased wife’s only child.
My question is if we marry would his two thirds become mine along with his personal effects or would it go to step child and his family members.? As for my property would it then go to him on my death or still split between my children. Would we on marriage have to make some sort of document/ will to protect our joint assets and personal effects?
Frankly, I would advise you to visit a Notaire and discuss the situation with him/her…
It is very important that you and your partner fully understand the fine detail… before making any decisions.
best of luck
I second Stella’s advice as not all situations are clearcut and straightforward especially if not a first marriage with children succession. I went through the latter and that was horrible enough even with everything straightforward but it does feel you and your home and belongings are no longer yours until it is settled, France is nothing like the UK where inheritance rules are concerned. See your Notaire asap, tomorrow might be too late and you would wish you had sorted it sooner.
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