Long stay working visa application

Hi, I’m British living in the UK planning to move permanently to France. I am applying for a long stay working visa as I have been offered a CDI in France, however when I am filling out the application form I get stuck at the ‘Your Plans’ section. I want a VLS-TS salarie but not passport talent. Has anyone got any experience in what to select please?

Has the employer got your autorisation de travail? You can’t start the process without that, and then you apply for the carte de séjour salarie if it is a CDI, or travailleur temporaire if CDD. Here:

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Hi Jane, thanks for your response. My employer has already got the authorisation de travail yes and as you say I will be applying for the carte de séjour salarie since I’ve been offered a CDI. However my question is, when filling out the application what do I select for the ‘Your Plans’ section please?

I can only see the paper version, not the online form you are filling in. On paper it seems straightforward!

What are your drop down choices? And have you got the automatic translator turned off?


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Seconded. As I think many have found, as have I, filling in government forms online with automatic translation enabled can cause untold issues.


I’ve turned the automatic translation off which has made a lot of difference thank you, however still stuck. As you say Jane, the paper version looks a lot more straight forward… Online the drop down options are:

  1. embauche ou detachement de salarie
  2. entrepreneur (artisan, industriel ou commercant)
  3. exploitant agricole
  4. ICT - mobilite intragroupe - salarie
  5. ICT mobilite intragroupe - stagiaire
  6. membres d’une congregation religieuse relevant du formulaire unique
  7. profession liberale ou independante
  8. recherche d’emploi/creation d’entreprise

Aren’t you being hired as a salaried worker?

Yes I am Jane, so would that be the option then?

I am not an immigration expert but out of that list I can’t see that any of the others would apply (assuming you are not taking up a job as Mother Superior of a convent whereby you would come under no. 6 :smiley: ) - apart from no.4 which I assume would be the one if you were moving from the UK branch to the French branch of the same company?

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Thank you everyone for all your help! I will go for option number 1 and I’ll let you know how I get on :slight_smile: