Looking for elders to help me learn French

I am looking for elderly French people who speak as well, who can help me learn French, I can spend a few hours of the day with them to learn them and in return I can help them with their daily chores.

Please contact me and I will do it for free.

France is a big country! Perhaps say where, and give some idea of who you are and maybe even a reference.

How many elderly French people are on this site, I wonder ? :thinking:
It might help if you gave a geographical area in which you would be prepared to travel, if I have understood your post correctly.

I am staying in La Garenne Colombes, Paris suburb, IDF. I am facing an issue in my job search due to language so I want to learn French by spending time with Francophones. I mentioned the elder ones as they have time to share. If anybody knows someone who needs a helping hand, I can help them not strict with the age criteria. Since I am not working I can utilise the time to become fluent in the language.
I tried classes but it doesn’t work unless you speak to someone every day.
Myself Rahul from India I am here on a dependent VISA valid till Nov 26 and my wife is a primary VISA holder under the passport talent category.

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@drrahulkorde02 if I were you I would consider signing up with one of the local agencies to you offering Services Ă  Domicile.

Help in the home is much needed and I’m sure they would be interested in someone who is keen not just to help out, but also to converse


Whereabouts are you?

But they need Francophones.

I am staying in La Garenne Colombes, Paris suburb, IDF. I am facing an issue in my job search due to language so I want to learn French by spending time with Francophones. I mentioned the elder ones as they have time to share. If anybody knows someone who needs a helping hand, I can help them not strict with the age criteria. Since I am not working I can utilise the time to become fluent in the language.
I tried classes but it doesn’t work unless you speak to someone every day.
Myself Rahul from India I am here on a dependent VISA valid till Nov 26 and my wife is a primary VISA holder under the passport talent category.

I am here! And I am French and bilingual. Forgot to confirm my age, 62! Does that qualify as elderly?

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definitely not elderly… in my opinion… :wink: :wink:

I’m sure I read somewhere that “nowadays” middle-age can be anywhere between 40 - 65 ish… :+1:

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Thanks Stella but I don’t think the initial query was necessarily too strict about definition. I am “only” 62 but been living with 82 years old hubby who has dementia, I feel quite a bit older!
Anyway that’s not the point, I was merely trying to see if my help with learning French would be welcome.



apologies if my joking reply fell flat…

Hello Rahul

Obviously things differ across the country… but you might find you are welcomed as a Volunteer Helper within local Associations.

People willing to give their time to help others… are often welcomed no matter how basic their French language skills…

best of luck

I would say that depends entirely on how you see yourself :wink:

Where do you stay? It is so kind of you that you are ready to help me. How do I keep in touch with you?

Where do you stay? It is so kind of you that you are ready to help me. How do I keep in touch with you?