Lost Carte Gris

Hi, my sister and I inherited a car when our dad passed away. The carte gris is lost, and as neither of us live in france, it’s proving very difficult to get a replacement. We want to sell the car, but more likely will need to scrap it…and that needs a carte gris.
Anyone had this issue? How did you overcome it? Finding the french online systems unhelpful, and local public assistance via recommended services were also unable to obtain a replacement. All help welcome. Thanks, Louise

Ask at the local garage, most will do it for you (for a fee of course).

They don’t live in France.

I realise that, however, I was assuming that as they are clearing their father’s affairs that they might be in or coming to France, at some point.

Was your father in any way meticulous regarding filing?

If so, look for a file on car related papers and you just might find the accompqanying note that the original carte gris was attached to - it has (i think) four large numbers on it. Production of this note will enable you to get a replacement.

A reminder to anyone receiving a carte gris - do keep the paper it comes with for this very reason…

I’m assuming you’ve already looked in the car? That’s where they’re normally kept in France.

Hi, many thanks for the suggestions.The document isn’t in the car. We saw it, but then it has become lost during the probate activities. We spoke to the garage where it was always serviced, and where it was purchased- neither can help. I have a PDF scan of it, but this doesn’t seem to help as I keep being told to request via France Connect. But living in the UK, I’m unable to register for some reason. All a bit complicated. It’s the registration document and apparebtly we need this to mot, sell or scrap the car.

If you use Facebook, this group on Registering Vehicles in France might help: Redirecting...

Where is the car, on your late dad’s drive?

Yes, it’s on the drive.

Did your Dad have a France connect account and if so do you know his user ID and password. That would be simplest, the duplicate CG would just be posted to the address on the CG.

Unfortunately not. And I’m struggling to get one, as I live in the UK. Am in contact with ANTS at the moment, hoping they might have a solution.

They are not easy to deal with :roll_eyes:

I’m finding most of the online recommended agencies are circular and difficult if you’re not resident.

I looked on ANTS and one can apply for a replacement CG for someone else, but only if your name also appears on the CG too, co-owner, leasee, etc. Otherwise I’d do it for you.

I won’t be back in France until the week after next, but if you are still struggling then let me know and I’ll go and talk to a breaker (if I can find one) and some pragmatic friends and ask how to circumvent this catch 22 bureaucratic bullshit :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s difficult enough to be bereaved, without having to deal with the dunderheads in ANTS.

I tried to replace a lost carte grise using ANTS. I forgot it was in my wife’s name and further access was blocked presumably because it suspected a fraudulent request. The only way to resolve it was to go to an automotive professional . You can find your nearest one here. It was not expensive. https://immatriculation.ants.gouv.fr/services-et-formulaires/geolocaliser-des-professionnels-habilites-a-limmatriculation

Thank you John, I do appreciate you looking and this kind offer. I’m also speaking to some neighbours who have offered to look for me. I’m not recently bereaved, it’s 2 years since probate and this issue has been ongoing since then. However, not being able to finalise some of these items perpetuates everything. And closure is needed.


Thank you Mike, I’ll take a look at these details.

was it lost after the Notaire dealt with the inheritance… if so,the Notaire might well have a copy on file.

I think the OP already has a scanned copy. It doesn’t help them with the ANTS platform (don’t start me!). But presumably it would be helpful for a garagiste.