Lot et Garonne

Do you not like your current place?

Rather a strange question.

We may well like our current place but it doesnt mean that we have to stay there till we die does it?
I’ve always moved around and have always been up for change and adventure.

How’s it going, letstryagain? I think you’ve made an excellent choice :slightly_smiling_face: If I could ever bear to part from my house and garden, it’s exactly the area that I would be aiming for. Do keep us posted on your progress…

Well it is still early days but my wife is travelling down from Brittany tomorrow to give the property her stamp of approval. She has seen the photos and videos and had a full run down so it should be a formality. Our friend is picking her up at Le Mas d’Agenais at 15h00 and they are then going to the house so all should be known by the evening.
Unfortunately the weather takes a dive tomorrow for a couple of days and the little bar/restaurant in Francescas may well be closed (it being May Ist) but there you go.

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But there also maybe a local plant fair to compensate. :slight_smile:

The spare lives on a cradle under the boot on my Duster, but the tools are stored inside the boot as you need the wheel brace to release the locking mechanism for the spare and lower it the first 10cm or so. Then it’s underneath you go to undo the latch from the cradle and drag the spare out.

As it’s a full size spare, this takes a bit of doing even for someone with decent upper body strength as you need to lift and pull at the same time.

I carry a 6” x 6” piece of 1/4” deck plating in the boot to give the OEM scissor jack a solid base and I have a large cross-style wheel brace just in case the wheel nuts act up.

It would be worth getting to know Jean-Noël Prabonne at Le Relais de la Hire. He’s a lovely chap and an excellent traiteur. Sadly, he shut the restaurant a few years ago but at least he’s still cookin’ :slightly_smiling_face:

Excuse my ignorance Sue but where is Temple?

Full name Le Temple-sur-Lot, on the road from Villeneuve down to Aiguillon. Interesting place for three reasons:

Templar commanderie in the 13th century

It has the water lily garden/nursery that Monet saw and from which he purchased many of his water lilies for Giverny

It is a major centre for water sports and is where teams such as the Oxford and Cambridge crews come for training. It’s currently being done up prior to the Olympics.


OK. Thanks!

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Okay Sue…Michelle will obviously visit the village and as you say she may find a plant fair (or even some other activity).

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Assuming all goes ahead I am sure we will cross paths Houpla.

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I once had a flat on a R/Rover loaded with camera gear. This was in central London, on The Strand, in heavy traffic and rain. I pulled into a side street and got the spider out. Could not budge any nuts.

There was a building site adjacent. I kindly cove lent me 6’ of scaffolding pole. I added this to the spider and heaved. The result was the spider folded up like wet spag. Summoned the AA … :roll_eyes:

This is always a problem when dopes using air spanners keep them set them to ‘max’. I keep an eye of fitters of wheels, and check to see if they dial in a setting that allows a normal h/being to slack off the nuts. And why I use a socket and tommy bar. You can slip a handy piece of pipe - the steel tube for the pillar jack in my case - over a tommy bar to add torque.

How women cope with this sort of thing I dunno. Even nuts done up to correct torque can take a lot of shifting. I equipped the g/f with the rig as above.



Women cope very well as we femininely beg the big strong mechanic to go easy on the torque settings when we see him refixing the nuts 'as I’m not very strong if I ever have to get it off myself"


We had a puncture shortly after leaving home in the Skoda with the dogs in the back, planning a walk. OH releases the wheel nuts but still cannot shift the wheel. No joy, so he starts to walk home to get the other car, find something to release the wheel (no phone with us of course). I watch as he gets as far as a roundabout where a car stops, picks him up and whisks him off in the direction of home. I, in the meantime, am at the side of the road with the dogs (Airedales, which people tend to notice). Up draws a Porsche and out steps the mayor’s brother plus glamorous other. Next minute he’s fighting to get the wheel off - no joy - so phones his brother, which yields the advice to hit the wheel with something solid, from the inside to push the wheel off. The glamorous one, in high heels, runs across the road to the entrance to a farm, returns with hammer and a solid piece of wood. Mayor’s brother now on the ground head under the car, hitting the Skoda wheel to release it, which he does. Wheel changed, smart outfit dusted down, wood and hammer returned to farm and off they drive.

That’s how women cope.

Sometime later OH returns in other car to find all well. We went home for a cup of tea. We now carry a rubber hammer and a heavy duty cross bar wrench in the car.


Did it get the stamp of approval?

It did Sue but…our buyers have pulled out so now have to find another buyer or some form of creative financing otherwise it will go back onto the market. :roll_eyes:

Oh what a shame! Hope all goes well for you. If not this one, then something better.

Thanks Sue. Time will tell.

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