Can anyone help? I need to find a technician that can service and take care of my Magiline swimming pool.
I am located in the LOT [ 46 ] near to Gordon.
No idea but welcome to SF
I couldnt use technician and Magiline in the same breath. The worst system. Sorry not a system just a setup.
What is the actual problem?
Thanks for your reply. My problem is clearing the water on opening up each year. I have used floculent to settle the debris on the bottom in the past and sucked it out using a hose over a drop that I have near the pool. This is laborious but not as bad as trying to do it using the cartridge filter. I was hoping that a pool guy specialising in Magiline might have a magic solution.
I have come across this problem a few times on Magiline, Desjoyeaux and Waterair pools with weird plumbing/filtration setups.
In most cases the best solution was to buy a cordless pool vac.
Pool Blaster Max, Other Pool Cleaners - Water Technics. Has a fine felt filter which is good.
Water Tech™ Volt® FX-8®Li | Water Tech™ Official Corporate Site made by the same as above but upgraded
These are better than others I have tried like
The Kokido
These might do the job but the bag capacity is small and would quickly fill with leaves. Do you know any
way I could vacuum to waste?
The first question is how are the leaves getting in, is there no cover?
Yes they are for dirt more than leaves particularly but there are leaf collectors to.
I use my roller cover and seal the sides with plastic sheet. it should work but somehow those damb leaves get in. Thanks for suggesting those two gadgets but I fear they may agitate the water too much and speed the bottom debris. Do you know if it is practical to convert this system to a sand filter. Has anybody out there tried this??
I dont just recommend products, I actually spend my own money on them and thoroughly test and as I am not on any disclosures, free to speak good and bad about the items I test.
The leaf vac lifts the leaves gently and if you dont rush it doesnt disturb others. The mesh bag is for leaves so fine dust and pollen will pass through and cloud the water so requiring the fine silt bag of the pool blaster/volt vacuum once things have settled. This is the same for all pool types regardless of how good or bad the filtration is. The dirt enters the pool from the top so thats the best place to remove it, main drains do very little if anything. The kind of situation is the winter dirt and leaves and its just a process to go through.
The two products are the best per € I have used,
Yes I have converted a Magiline pool to a proper sand filter and low energy setup but it was not easy and I did it as a challenge for a customer.
OK that’s great I’m going to give those a try. I’ll let you know how I get on and thanks again.
Cool, be interested to hear. The volt model is supposed to have sheilded bearings on the motor which the poolblaster has open cage bearings so fail in my case after 5 years. Hope that helps a little.