Marquise de chocolat

Had some of this yesterday… delicious.

Looking to make my own, I’ve found various recipes online.

Basically, chocolat, butter, separated eggs. sugar… and some say “pinch of salt for the egg whites”.

Has anyone made this and was it with or without salt??
(I’m loathe to add salt to anything… )

I find cream of tartar works to get stiff egg whites and never use salt.

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I never seem to have a problem whipping whites nice and stiffly (actually OH is in charge of that aspect nowadays) but it sounds as if the salt isn’t important so I’ll try the recipe without it.
cheers @JaneJones

You don’t have to use salt but without it or cream of tartar your won’t have nice stiff peaks

mmm. Second that - but much more delicious when someone else makes it :rofl:

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I know what you mean… but it seems easy enough to make and no-cooking-in-the-oven is alway a plus…

mind you, I never did get round to making mincepies at Christmas, but that was due to poor health rather than laziness :wink:

Ah, now, pop over here as I have a steady stream of the wretched things! My neighbours love them - tartelettes Noel, so I exchange them for crepes and riz-au-lait (with sultannas mind…) But after this thread, I moght ask for chocolat marquise instead… :joy: