Medical file request - how do you go about it?

Does anyone know how to go about requesting your medical records from a particular hospital. Is there a standard procedure to follow or do you simply write to the hospital in question?

James… are we talking of France ?? and as in-patient or out-patient ??

Hi @Stella yes France and as an out-patient

Hi James

Sorry for the above ramblings. Been thinking overnight…

As many Consultants only “borrow” rooms in the hospitals, I would think they hold the records of their Out-patients, rather than the hospital itself.

If you were sent as an Out-patient by your Doctor and now need a Medical Report of that visit…(eg for a third party).I would ask your Doctor in the first instance. He should have the info needed (as you do not) and he will be able to provide a Report one way or another.

If you went privately as an Out-patient… and did not receive a Report at the time… I suggest you get in touch with the Secretary of whichever Consultant examined you. You should already have those contact details, if not, I’m sure the hospital will give you a phone number.

Hope this makes more sense…


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Hi Stella

I needed to go to casualty on Friday at the same hospital where I have previously had some tests done. They brought up my file and I saw it contained information that had not been disclosed to me, so I thought I would ask for the whole thing in case it was important. They know I have a condition but as I was asymptomatic they do not know what it is!



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Hi James… chat about this with your Doctor. It is important that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.


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Our experience over the last 20 years is that we have always been given our medical records as and when. It has usually been the way that our GP is brought up to date with any specialist or hospital treatment.

We have test results, specialists reports, x-rays et al here at home.


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Yes, indeed, Grahame Pigney… the amount of paperwork/reports and printouts we gather here in France is really quite amazing.

In the UK, I did not even know what blood group I belonged to…

James, lifted this from useful info medical section (which I know I have still to get round to updating!)

"Need to see your medical records (dossier medical)?

This link tells you how to write a letter to a hospital requesting your medical records."

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Thanks Terry… that is certainly an interesting site…

As it states, for most folk, simply speaking with your Doctor will be sufficient to obtain the medical info required.

But, it is good to note the clear steps that one can take (since 2002) to demand access to all one’s personal information held in the medical sector.

Is it my imagination but are you my long lost twin?

Hi Peter, remarkable but if true Mum & Dad were fibbing about which gooseberry bush they found me under LOL!