Moving to France as a Mother Superior

I have just learned, thank you Chris Mann, that there are openings for Mother Superiors in France.

First, a few questions.

Do you have to be a mother?

Do you have to be superior?

Do you have to be Roman Catholic?

Failing those three, is it possible to create a new religion headed by a Mother Superior? I am open to creating something, maybe a Church of The Great Outdoors, and would be looking for a few adherents. Our doctrines would be recorded in a loose leaf notebook. No dues, no vows, just a belief in my superiority and motherliness.

Applications on a postcard please.

I wouldn’t want to move to France without my husband, so he may need to start an equivalent religious body.


Congratulations on seeing the light.
I always fancied taking a lead from Kurt Vonnegut and starting the Church Of God The Utterly Indifferent.

I recommend you study the methods and doctrine of Pastafarianism, as expounded by the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster:

You may even be inspired to undergo Ordination as a Minister of the FSM for a mere $59:

However the miviludes may be interested in you.

Have a largish vocab, but had to look that one up. Creepy!

And unfortunately too close to home as one of my brothers, who is now ‘studying Noah’ (!) has recently been sucked into the Seventh Day Adventists by his son, who’s basically a Spanish peasant whose secular education ended at the age of twelve, but who’s now in the service of US evangelists because he’s fluent in Spanish and English.

Or Bokononism as an alternative. Busy busy busy.

Automatic visa for San Lorenzo :wink:

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Far too cold there. Literally freezing :cold_face: