Does anyone know yet if an attestation form is needed for the new lockdown?
Possibly for beyond 10km travel
For clarity, in his recent speech this evening was the following announced? (just a bit confused here:
Increase number of ICU Beds
Increase urgency of vaccines
Schools Closed for 3 weeks
For 4 weeks:
No inter-Regional travel
Travel beyond 10km requires an attestation
Non-essential shops to close
Anything missed?
Thanks, hopefully I won’t need to go further than the town 4km away but the gendarmes are very strict in patrolling here.
Interesting, where is that?
I’m in a little village in the Morbihan, 4km from a bigger town which I walk to frequently. The gendarmes come up from the town and patrol the village during lockdown even though its small. The villagers find this a little intimidating.
Just to add. It’s a bit confusing. Non essential shops close on Saturday but when do the travel restrictions start?
Begins to make me wonder if Brexit voters might have a point …as this fiasco is laid totally and utterly at the feet of the EU.
Had European countries done their own thing they could have been on a similar projection as UK.
I said on previous threads (and was poo-hooed) that a third lockdown was most likely given the ineptitude of Europe. People in UK must be smiling and saying we told you so whilst we face another ruined spring and most probably summer.
Look at the broader picture, John, the uk has been in lockdown for 3 or so months and kids haven’t been in school since I don’t know when. Even if each country bid seperately I think Boris would have still kept as much as possible for the UK anyway (and why not, unless of course you’ve signed a contract to supply other countries…!) We’ll get there, just at a different pace and most of us (French) are far happier with a slower roll out but far more liberty while we decide if we want the vaccine or not, yes I know I don’t think we have a choice but why not let another country try it out first to see if it’s ok and then we’ll give it a go if there are no problems!
Apparently if you want to go further than 10km from home.
yep, more than 10km and within the same couvre-feu hours and you need an attestation and only for things that are on the list
Macron said that same conditions as the departments currently confined, so yes.
All shops are open Saturday, it all kicks in Saturday evening at 19h00. Travel restrictions start then too
only if you go further than 10km from home and normal couvre-feu times are in place as now.
Vaccine rollout programme:
over 70s, now, now, now !
over 60s, from 15/04
over 50s, from 15/05
Primary schools shut for 3 weeks, except key worker’s kids, next week distance learning
Secondary schools (college/lycee) shut for 4 weeks, then return from 26/04 part time or distance depending on health situation in school.
Kids have been back in school since 8 March
Backed up by twice weekly lateral flow tests for the older kids.
I actually still feel that the priority he has given to education is important. Reports of increases in self harming and mental health problems amongst young people in the UK are alarming.
Yes Macron has got things wrong, which country hasn’t? But he does make a better effort to balance out the competing priorities.
The problem with that is that while people are happier they are more people dying because of the slow laid back attitude, fine and great if it does not affect you, a real bastard if it is a loved one who dies because of it, 130 families lose a loved one a day.