New webcam picture flickering

Just bought myself a well-reviewed C920 Pro HD Logitech webcam and I’m disappointed to find that the picture on my desktop screen is flickering. (Horizontal lines moving up and down the screen.)
I checked on the internet and found a couple of videos saying look under settings for antiflicker and change from 60 to 50 (hertz?). The videos implied the effect was instantaneous. For me - no difference.

My old webcam didn’t flicker. My screen in normal use doesn’t flicker. I’m at a bit of a loss to know what to do and would be grateful for suggestions please.

Check that the cables is not wrapped around the power lead which can cause interference


What output is the webcam set to deliver?

It could a different resolution and/or refresh rate to your monitor.

It does sound like a flickering caused by a mismatch between the frame rate or shutter speed being used by the webcam, or the refresh rate of your monitor (how many times a second it redraws the screen), and the flickering of your room lighting, which is based on the household mains frequency (50 Hz in Europe, 60Hz in USA).

Lighting flicker is not normally noticeable to the naked eye but cameras pick it up with a vengeance sometimes.

Do you have fluorescent lights in your room, as they are the most prone to mains-based flicker?

You may need to look at multiple settings and fiddle to eliminate the flicker.

A webcam doesn’t usually have any physical controls as a normal camera or camcorder would, it will all be controlled in software.

You need to look in the operating system settings to see if there is an option to set a refresh rate for the camera - try 50Hz or 60Hz to see if that helps.

If that makes no difference, there may also be a setting in the webcam software (or in apps like Zoom) to choose the refresh rate or shutter speed that the camera uses.

If the shutter speed is adjustable try dropping it to 1/50th second or below. I used to shoot wedding videos with camcorders along with LED video lights, and they would sometimes cause flicker if my shutter speed was above 1/50th second.

Good luck! If all else fails, see if there is a Logitech support forum as I bet someone else has had the same problem…


Thanks Chris.

Not fluorescent but halogen. And yes, that’s the problem. :slight_smile: Yesterday I had the main light on in my study - the camera was flickering. This morning, I’ve only got my desk light on - no flickering. Just turned the overhead lighting on and the flickering’s back - thank you.

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VG - glad it’s sorted!