Old number plates

We inherited these old number plates when we bought the house and as we are currently packing to downsize to a bungalow close by several people have expressed an interest in them

Are they worth anything or are they just a giveaway?

Not much of a poster but we are both avid readers of this site and it has proved invaluable in helping us navigate the French way of life.


perhaps give them a punt on Leboncoin - you never know… some people will buy anything and everything…


Thanks Graham,

I will try the contents of the loft of one of the outbuildings as well as I have no idea of their worth

Apologies Graham forgot to add photo

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Nice number plates. I collect number plates from around the world, but mostly plates with some sort of writing on, if it’s just numbers and latin letters, I usually don’t bother. Anybody else do the same? If anybody could manage to get me a Monaco or Andorra plate, I’d be thrilled.


These were left in a building at the back of our house and my enquiry was to see if they had any value.

It transpires that one set belonged to a Jaguar owned by one of our neighbors who lived in Paris at the time and rented the building to store his car when he visited his family in the Limousin.

We gave them back to him when we left the property.

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that was a nice thing to do… well done :+1: :+1:

OK. About the value. My guess is they might have some value, but probably very low value.

Would you like one of these?

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South Africa? Now that’s one I don’t have. Fantastic. Love the elephant.

The elephant’s there because the southernmost herd in the world is at Addo near Port Elizabeth.
South African National Parks - SANParks - Official Website - Accommodation, Activities, Prices, Reservations

The aloe’s there because they’re everywhere.

I’ve got two plates, so if you like I can give you one for your collection. E-mail me to make arrangement


how very kind of you :+1: :+1: :+1:

That is so lovely Mark :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Very much appreciated Mark. Very kind, I’ll sort you out for costs of course. I’ll contact you soon. Peter.

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I’m sure we’d all like to see a photo of your collection!

I’ve been making this collection since 25 years ago. Most of the earlier ones I collected are in the UK, I am in France now, but I have some of my more recent ones with me in France. When I have some time during the next few days I will try to photograph 1 or 2 and show you. Some time I must unite all of them, bring the plates from the UK to France. In total I think I must have about 30 different countries. Soon to be +1 thanks to Mark.

When I worked in Boston I used to love spotting all the slogans on out of state licence plates. Even though New Hampshire’s ‘Live Free or Die’ is about as far as you can get from ‘The Friendly Province of the Eastern Cape.’

Meanwhile, for local MASS cars you only needed a plate on the rear, so a friend of mine who used to visit Japan and its scrap yards regulalrly, and who’d japanesed every possible piece of writing on his vintage Datsun 240Z had a Tokyo plate on the front in Japanese characters.

I already have a Japanese plate, love it.
Many of the slogans on US plates seem to be thought up by rather unimaginative people. But even so, they are clearly much more interesting than most European plates.

Mark, you suggested that I show some exemples of my collection. Sorry, I took a bit of time to get around to it, but here are 2 examples - Colombia and Myanmar (Burma).

The Burmese one’s especially interesting - did they get the format from the British?

I’ve not forgotten to post yours, but we’re currently in Cordoba and don’t drive back till next week