Optional tiers payant - is it possible to be one?


I was just wondering if it’s possible to be a tiers payant after some relevant consultation with your medecin traitant, and have all your expenses covered automatically by sécu + mutuelle, as opposed to you having to pay them first and then getting reimbursed? Relevant link: Tiers payant | service-public.fr, in particular see the image below (click on it and it’ll get bigger…)

where it says you can have a consultation with your medecin traitant and request one (if I understand correctly?) I’m guessing certain situations may apply here, e.g. financial difficulty, long term disease…?

Thanks in advance!

It also needs your doctor to be set up to do so. Ours has finally joined the system, but until very recently she didn’t have the little gizmo to do this.

Many now do this automatically as it is easier for them - obvious I only know a small selection of doctors tho’. Does yours not?

(Long term diseases on ALD list are covered 100%, so tiers payant is standard)

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