I’m rather wondering if the Protesters haven’t “shot themselves in the foot”
My local community is quite disgusted with such behaviour… and I suspect they are not alone.
I’m rather wondering if the Protesters haven’t “shot themselves in the foot”
My local community is quite disgusted with such behaviour… and I suspect they are not alone.
The amount of stuff (including that rubbish spouted by the ridiculous BBC researcher on the forum today) some educated people believe is shocking.
When people become paranoid, who knows where they will stop?
Ridiculous…shows they really have no idea how privileged most of us are now!
I don’t believe that person was either a proper researcher or educated but then I have a nasty judgmental mind.
Idiots, not worth consideration IMO.
Haha I never thought that person was educated or a researcher. I am referring to some people I know irl. A nurse,. a graphic designer and an architect.
But it’s not really funny it makes me want to cry. People just brainwashed. Ugh.
Seems this is a hot topic in my area.
Tonight’s stroll was peppered with much chatting, as we met folk also taking advantage of the slight drop in temp (down all the way to 33c at 9.30pm).
In this area memories of wartime are still very strong… and these modern protesters trying to align Pass Sanitaire with the ancient “horrors” does absolutely nothing to promote their “cause”… not to my neighbours at any rate.
33degrees at 21.30h!! How horrible. I’m not coming down my mountain!
Actually, it felt lovely… and there was just a slight breeze…
The evening air is full of the glorious scent of new mown hay and the cows and sheep are peacefully munching in their neighbouring meadows.
Not a chirrup though… perhaps it’s been too hot for the grillons/cicadas/whatever…
They’ve worked their way through 1200 amendments already … the final product can’t be far off now.
This is something I haven’t understood - the frequency of highly educated people getting their information from highly unreliable sources. When you receive any information, the frst filter should be the reliability of the source.
When I tutored Open University students, their first assignment was to discuss thereliability or otherwise of sources of information (the context was Roman historians’ defammation of Cleopatra two hundred after her death). However, I wish the OU had had the confidence to frame their teaching materials and this sort of assignment around the similar provenance of the NewTestament.
We have just had our village meal cancelled because there are too many people in the village who have not been vaccinated.
I am going to suggest that all their names be put up on the village noticeboard.
Great idea !
I can’t believe how many people there are whom I know that haven’t been vaccinated, one has a PhD in statistics (but is now an ultra-libertarian who won’t wear a mask), another has an MSc and yet, another a BSc, and then there are lots who far less educated and perhaps less culpable, but are still contributing to the problem
Its just great, passing a qualification IS about regurgitating information on the day of exams, not about the ability to think or understand.
The species is under threat and about time to. The greatest threat to all life on earth is us and nature,or lab in China funded by the USA have found a cure to over population
btw OT I know you kind of decided not to do the WA CdS. But did you see on another thread Tory mentioned cost of the over-90 days visa is going to total about 300 euros? i think that’s only 1 year too
I believe that’s if you want to turn the visa into a permanent stay - ie CdS or equivalent.
Not a good idea at all, Jane. Way too anglo-saxon, that would stink of post-war lynching of collaborateurs. It’s why neighbouhood watch type schemes just never get off the ground in France