My recently arrived guests have asked me whether an annual portable appliance test is required in France for gites and I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know.
Can anyone help here please?
To the best of my knowledge, no.
Wiki says:- is a process in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, New Zealand and Australia by which electrical appliances are routinely checked for safety.
For rentals/tenants in council housing here in our commune… I know that the electrics are tested when someone leaves and before new tenants arrive. (any failures are noted in the “état de lieu” which both parties agree and sign) but that’s just so that both sides are agreeing as to the state of play of the whole property, not an electrician’s verdict/plumber’s verdict etc etc.
Not heard of that for holiday gites and/or B&Bs and have no knowledge of private-sector housing…
PAT testing isn’t actually required in private homes in the UK.
No is the simple answer - strictly speaking they’re not required in the UK either - they’re a way of proving equipment is safe and they became ubiquitous - and a lucrative industry.
You have a duty to make sure electrical equipment is safe - so relatively modern in a low risk gite pretty much covers that.
If you have an RCD in the tableau PAT adds absolutely nothing anyway.
Thanks for your replies everyone. That’s reassuring. Nothing worse than finding there’s a new bit of French law that’s completely passed us by!
I suspect that visual inspection of power cords and equipment generally is the most useful part of PAT testing because it can pick up problems which might develop - the actual earth continuity/insulation resistance only proves things are OK on the day.
I always thought that carbon monoxide monitors were compulsory here where you have an open fire or wood burner but it seems as though they’re just a recommendation.
certainly not compulsory… or I’d have one. Our log burner has vents in the floor of the fireplace, either side, one links to the outside and other into the cave…although there are enough draughts in this old house so the vents are rarely open.
The most common failures I have witnessed were microwaves and the fire brigade reported a 45% failure on electric blankets when they carried out a big test a few years back. I have trouble stopping them testing double insulated devices.
PAT, the important part is the P for portable, ie it is plugged in - I am not aware of any requirements but I would suggest that a modern French electrical installation probably safer than a UK one due to much smaller circuits and therefore use of more trips. Many electrical issues would therefore trip at the breaker.
You could suggest if they have any concerns whatsoever to tell you and can remove the appliance.
Don’t think any less of me but I remember hearing about Pat testing at work ages ago and I thought it was a man called Pat who came round to check things
Used to be a postman before testing electrical items?
Well his cat matches US wiring colours
That would depend on the age of the installation on either side of the chanel. Split load boards in the UK mean all circuits are protected but we could discuss that for ages
I’m guessing these were UK or American guests? Several times our French guests have expressed amazement that we have fire extinguishers (dated) and blankets as well as CO2 and smoke alarms.
Only the smoke alarm is obligatory for a gîte, one per 60m2.
UK guests and two of them are very good DIYers so know what they are talking about.
I did start the sentence with modern deliberately
Everything is 13 years old or less - including all the wiring/ board. It was a complete renovation. I hope that counts as “modern”.
Actually @SuePJ I’m intrigued how PAT came into the conversation.
I’ve never thought to ask if equipment has been “officially approved” in all the years we rented gites across France.
We’ve just glanced around, said thanks very much… and got on with our holiday…