Possible New Garden & New Aventures Into a Project

As many of you may have read, vegetable gardening is a passion of mine.
I have for many years, thought about how I can help within the local community when I retire from professional constraints. I find now, I have time to do so, as I’m working from home most of the time.
One of my projects is gardening, to help others needing fresh food.
I may…? have the possibility to have à titre gratuit 800m² - +/- 8600ft² of land to do so.
Now, one of the questions is, can I give the produce of veg and fruit, without any form of paper work or controle sanitaire etc. to a charité comme:
Aux secour populaire
La croix rouge
Resto du coeur
Any other local ones
I could do the research myself, but I am seeking knowledge of those of you who help with charitable events, donations, etc.