Calling out to the long-suffering @kim (again) or anyone else who has done this recently.
Near the start of the online ANTS form, one of the questions is:
Une visite médicale est-elle nécessaire ?
I assume we tick the “no” box at this stage? At some point later in the form, hopefully we will have an opportunity to upload the attestation sur l’honneur, renouncing the HGV categories.
Sorry, I should have been more clear.
My husband is not exchanging. He’s just renewing an existing French licence (which expired after 5 years because of the unwanted HGV categories).
We have the wording of the attestation sur l’honneur which you very kindly sent us.
Presumably we answer “no” at this point. And later the system will let us upload the attestation.
Any idea how long renewals are taking at the moment?
I’ve allowed my Class C etc. to lapse from this past February when I should have had my bi-annual medical to keep it/them.
I’m sure I’ve read that I don’t have to officially renounce them, as the expiry date is on the permis. @kim do I really need to bother, as the OP is doing?
The OP has had more complications than possibly you have.
It’s up to you, it just depends on who processes your application, I have seen equal amounts of being asked do you want a medical and those that went straight through.
Either way for you it won’t make much difference to the timing even if they do want you to confirm that you don’t want a medical.
Thanks @kim . The permis itself runs through until 2032, 10 years after my last medical. I see no need to do anything until that point, apart from not driving anything that I shouldn’t!
Then you can continue as you are all the time 4b is valid but as you’re aware not the categories that have expired.
If you renounce or not renew your medical, your next photocard will be valid for 15 years, but C can be reactivated at any time with a medical in the future.