Hello. I have a generally productive potager. This year I tried some runner beans. I sowed them in about May, I think, and for a few months all went as it should. The plants grew, they produced some flowers and the flowers began to become beans. However, the bean production never reached a full-on stage, and over the last few weeks I’ve been getting zero, despite the appearance of a few new flowers. Any ideas?
Too hot? Not enough water? Whereabouts are you and what have your temperatures been?
Charente. Heatwave before last week - temperatures about 35°. This week the afternoons are getting hot again - at the moment it’s about 31°.
Maybe the heat.
Give runner beans sun, rich soil and plenty of water – they particularly thrive in cool wet summers
Plenty of water.
We used to put torn up newspaper in the trench, but we have given up because our soil is not deep enough for them.
We are enjoying a wonderful crop of haricots vert and soriel following on.
Thanks. What was the purpose of the newspaper?
To hold moisture.
we have lived in burgandy for 20 years and our runner Beans have always been great. This year, disaster. too much heat. Out of interest are there any other forum members in our area 71130.
An English gardener whom I phoned last night suggested that there may still be enough days left for the plants to become productive - any opinions?
Yes, picked my first ones yesterday, and have several flowers. Despite bad year, am hopeful that with heat declining, may get late ones.