S1 - various registration questions

A former colleague (a Brit) last week asked me a several questions about registering her S1 with CPAM, following receipt of her UK state pension. I explained that I was unfortunately pretty useless on S1s, being several years off getting my UK state pension, but I’d be happy to try and help her. I think I answered most with help from previous SF threads but there were three that I need to ask here. I hope nobody minds the questions, and I’ve encouraged said colleague to consider joining SF.

  1. She’s been told to register the S1 using S1106 (aka CERFA 15763), yet that form clearly says it should not be used if you have an S1. I assume she still needs to complete it, since it appears to ask for information that CPAM will probably need to set up an ‘account’ for her (she’s not in Assurance Maladie at present). Any thoughts?

  1. UK birth certificate copy. Does this copy need to be issued within the last 3 months, or will an ‘older’ one be accepted, that she happens to have to hand?

3.Does she also need to complete the detailed ‘questionnaire recherche de droits ressortissants européens inactifs’ (CERFA R710) that she’s been sent by CPAM?

Thank you in advance

Hello, easiest thing is for her to go to France Services and they will help her fill out the forms and necessary paperwork

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If it is possible to get an appointment at her local CPAM… take the docs and ask 'em directly.

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She is sort of doing both stages as once. So first form is to sign up, which most do before getting S1. And then they hand over the S1 in due course, usually without any form as already in the system. So if she is not registered with COAM they will need this info.

No UK certificates need to be within 3 months. But may need to explain once or twice that they are not dynamic don’t expire like French ones.

Will the colleague be active or inactive? The R710 is mainly used to check whether somebody should be subject to the CSM - cotisation maladie subsidiaire. It ought to be irrelevant as she has her S1.

I would fill in what she can, and copy all her documents and take the whole lot to CPAM.

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If CPAM have sent the EU form then just fill in what you can.

Otherwise this is what she needs.

S1 (keep loads of copies) keep original if posting
Cerfa 15763-01 form Demander l'ouverture des droits à l'Assurance maladie (Formulaire 15763*02) | Service-Public.fr ,even though the form says not for retirees and others it’s often asked for, just complete and take with you.

Take originals and a copy (for CPAM) of the following documents:
S1 (keep loads of copies) keep original if posting
Visa or CdS
Birth certificate (long version) - UK doesn’t need to be less than 3 months old.
Marriage certificate (if applicable)
Divorce certificate (if applicable to show route from birth to current name)
Proof of residency (Utility Bills, rental contract etc.).
RIB - photocopy onto A4 paper as easier for CPAM to file.


Thank you all for your thoughtful, constructive comments, which I will rely to my former colleague.